Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Best Blind Tech Deck

Hey, girls, is it all ok? What have you been doing these days? I worked and worked, ate and ate, ate and worked in short, much work and little food (in fact, the balance has once again turned the eerie light "whale attack, but that's another story ..)
Among the thousand little things done, some worthy of note:

1) MIU MIU AGAIN! (Chapter soldes) : I have visited (smudged) again (on) Miu Miu shop .. And I discovered with great joy that there is good Miuccia balances from 30 to 50! Ahhhh, and I am harp to my ears ... and a sore tummy for my portfolio! (Now I can not buy, but keep in mind for the future!)
The clerk who follows me is a genius, manages to dupe ... er, something to sell to all the friends I bring homage to the shrine of the kittens , of Melina, the bows, etc ...
And then, after my friend buckled boots, buffalo leather (? Was a strange beast, perhaps buffalo, perhaps triceratops, but the name Miu Miu fashion also makes the skin of mice), the salesman wanted put this coat on the corner here:

Actually, the one shop was more beautiful, Cortina, with the lapel collar made (pulse-pounding, mind you!), without sleeves to "paw", but with those wonderful little pockets and martingalina combined ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..... .... (ta hospitalized for exhaustion emergency burr)

.... But I have already resigned! I have to finish to tell you!

And in balance, there were also those ..

Io, però vorrei delle deco in vernice con tacco grosso coperto di cristalli che, purtroppo, sono qualificate come continuative e che, quindi, non vanno in saldo, azz, azz, ri-azz!!
Fate finta di vedere queste qui sotto, come tacco, ma immaginatevelo più grosso, anni '60, abbinato a delle deco in vernice nera..
spremete le Vs. meningine ed immaginate..

2) Some Christmas Presents : di solito non faccio post sui regali, ma vorrei farvene vedere alcuni, tra quelli ricevuti, che hanno solleticato le mie papille "gattofile" e "cagnolofile"..

Here is the American vintage brooch in the shape of cat signed Lea Stein, and the necklace with the little dogs by Sharra Pagano ..

confess that it was almost a gift driven .. I did not specifically request, but it was enough "tail wagging" attached to the window at the right time!

3) The table games: the rediscovery of Monopoly
Me and Luke, had in the few moments of games, we've resurrected my old monopoly luxury edition, with all the placeholders with gold ...
And here is the beast is unleashed: Luca became a ruthless and greedy businessman, always in jail, but full of money and shady dealings! So much so that at some point, given the frequent stops "cool", I asked him: "Sorry, but you're a cunning of the neighborhood?"
During the first game has spoiled me, then, not content, was also dragged into the blackest ruin my mother, forcing her to sell all its assets .. A real tragedy!
But most dramatic is that after I did the ambush from behind the doors of the house to ask me, with little voice full of flattery: "Come on, giochiamoooo ?????"
My God .. I released the monster ..

And here, the Wall Street tycoon, look, in all its satisfaction "Clipper" of heads!

You tell you to stop smiling even be mad?? I think Goldfinger! A kiss to all!


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