Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Quorn Sausage Halal

For someone's sake!

Oh, what a beautiful word, hello. It 's a really nice word. No, really is a normal word and by the way it sounds even worse than, say, mulberry. The fact is that they are definitely acting nasty because I could not write on the blog for quite some time. And so, rightly, I'm here to speak of bullshit, which, however, why it would be traumatic to write everything at once, eh! UU
There was snow on Saturday, but I'm stubborn, so much so that I went down to the bus stop down to the village by car, the bus had not passed. There were barely four mangy cats and I arrived late for a ride absolutely assurderrimo.
In class, when I came, there were eight people, then another one came and he's gone.
We have done nothing but - rightly - French questioned me and put me 8. What makes me absolutely sick, indeed, I have me I suck. They are disgusting, really. And yesterday I also socket 7 and 1 / 2 in science, because I suck . Rightly so.
But I do not deserve it nine in these two subjects. But for anything.
Saturday night I went to eat pizza with some of my comrades in the eighth grade. F was disappointed because I have not greeted with kisses. But do not do it with anyone - it's something I own is a pain, but anyway. I have not done for 14 years and if someone has the unfortunate idea to try to find me like a statue, or, at worst, I do not find anything for me because avoidance ** cough, cough, sociopathic, cough **.
And sorry, what the hell do you want? It's not the only one with whom they exchange effusions, eh. When I would be willing to do that ...
There were also others in the place where we went. There was a guy who I had noticed on a bus on Thursday afternoon. I found that it is a relative of a dear friend. It 's a great beefy.
Then we ate late and went off first. This morning it was raining
plus had not renewed my subscription so I got down the bus and I had to wait for my aunt and I arrived late the only day that was sitting next to F and all have seen more di quanto abbia fatto io.
Un odio orrendo, e avrei voluto strillare.
Poi ieri ho fatto la relazione che ho esposto oggi, ma mentre la facevo mi si è cancellata, così l'ho rifatta, e poi ho scoperto che mi si era salvata.
Non sono andata in biblioteca.
Ho fatto due ore di corso di PET. Prima, mi hanno fatto un sacco di domande.

A(io): Cavolo, andrei all'interrogazione sabato, ma non credo che la prof mi faccia recuperare il 7 e mezzo.
G1: Il sette e mezzo? Che ti recuperi il sette e mezzo?
A: (ignorando G) ...e pure l'8 di francese!!!
G1: Oh, ma io a scienze ho 4, di che ti lamenti???
A: Ma in queste due materie ho la media del nove! Non posso prendere 7 e mezzo né 8, porca merda!
G2: Ma scusa, non avevi studiato?
A: No, ma non studio mai, non è per quello!
G2: Come non studi mai? Poi hai nove!...
A: Be', ricordo bene le spiegazioni. Poi al massimo leggo...
G1: Ma almeno educazione fisica l'hai studiata.
A: Sì... no... più o meno... letta, insomma.
G2: Ma scusa, che fai il pomeriggio se non studi?
A: Diciamo, un'oretta e mezza o due di compiti, poi leggo, scrivo, sto su internet... non esco mai, ma non mi annoio.
G1: Non esci mai?
A: No.
G2: E non ti annoi?
A: No, because I have friends but not close to home and I'm an hour from the city, so I should not even ... and then they are always tired, I have two returns and I do my homework. Monday for Tuesday and Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday and Friday.
G2: And it strikes you that ... say, does not have much social life?
A: No, I know it's strange, but they are so. I do not mind, indeed, I do not feel the need, really. I'm so: it is not that fun to me to be antisocial, but the loneliness I do not mind at all.
G1: OO But whatever you write?
A: Yes, I write stories.
G1: What? A
: Fantasy, mainly because I do not compare well with the real events - in fact they are clumsy. (I always have this sense of inadequacy, wherever I am and whatever I do ndMe) But the romantic element is not lacking almost never in my stories. However I could keep the rallies, I do a lot of questions.
G2: Yes, it is true, only that I never knew a guy like you. At least you distinguish (statements that make proud, ndMe) .
A: Thank you, I'm glad.
G1: So, in summary ... do not study, you do not like studying, but you know things, even if you are not interested.
G2: So you're one who knows what.
A: Yes.

meeting renewed their subscription Age was a kid who (read = elementary).
and I broke to sharpen sentences make sense then tie, I'm beccatevi post. I do not know if I'm hungry or not, should I practice my jump, my back hurts, I have not read, it was raining and I hate the rain ...
Never mind. Three days of fire. That's crap.

Oh, Caron, do not fret; so willed there where you can do what you want, and ask no more.

Always yours, but also no, go find RedCherry, which is a BIG .
Since I had forgotten in the comments. However, click on "Insert Link", Then paste the URL into the bar below and above the gates and write what you want.
I said, always yours but no,

PS.: Blogghino, I missed you. But they are psychotic.


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