Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bubblegum Flavored Soda

Toxic violet dress

Ho sempre adorato il viola in tutte le sue gradazioni. A dir la verità, ne ho fatto una vera scorpacciata e, negli anni, chi sapeva di questa mia passione - come, purtroppo, di quella per Hello Kitty - mi ha regalato gadgets e articoli di abbigliamento di questo colore di ogni genere e specie.. Adesso sono giunta pressochè ad odiare sia il viola che Hello Kitty..
Però le cose, quando si hanno, bisogna pur "ammortizzarle".
Eccovi quindi uno degli ennesimi capi viola che possiedo, reso ancor più allucinogeno dall'accostamento con le calze del medesimo colore: ho pensato che, per esorcizzare la paura, occorresse sfidarla in tutto e per tutto..
Ah, put it was for a birthday party to surprise my mononeurone, merely the thought of the word "party", he ran to pull a shiny, only to discover that in spite of himself, since the surprise party in a private home , the birthday boy and his family were almost in pajamas / tank top health (and rightly so, the suspicion could not be celebrated!)
Do not worry about the color of the corpse bride, it's all due to my learned skills as a photographer!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, directly to you on a wonderful Telemarket belief in real walnut!? (sorry, find decent places to take pictures is becoming more difficult!)

detail of jacket, which, otherwise, it seems only gray

details of wigs, born from to disguise the frizz of hair after being washed and dried, I looked like one of the Jackson Five or Mage G, if anyone remembers it ..
and then let me spend the few photos that came cute!

ps I was the only jewel of multicolor earrings - including, of course, purple - which can be glimpsed here only

wearing: Zara violet dress, Anna N jacket, no brand boots overtheknee


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