Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sample Letter For Franchise Proposal

Holidays "laxative" in ValeF - Part I ° - The Monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai and Dahab

Hello to all / i! Perhaps someone will have realized that I'm back (I wrote a few comments here and there, I'm not good at hiding the traces !!).. For the record, I returned last week from a vacation more "caccose" of my life and of human history ..
Yes, because among the goals of my crocierina - booked many months ago - there was anche l'Egitto....
Penso che a questo punto abbiate capito tutto...
Sta di fatto che, dopo 3 gg di crociera regolare, il viaggio, che prevedeva come tappe successive la Valle dei Re e Il Cairo, si è tragicamente interrotto in Giordania.
E da lì non ci siamo più mossi, presi in consegna sull'Hotel galleggiante presso il porto di Aqaba a guardare sconsolati il Mar Rosso, che nemmeno potevamo "testare" se non in piscina (a meno che qualche temerario non volesse farsi un tuffo dal ponte!?) ..
In quei momenti, a contemplare nostalgicamente la distesa placida delle acque, mi sono sentita un pò come ne "Il vecchio e il mare", o meglio, per rispettare almeno la mia identità sex, I should say "The old and the Sea ..
short, if I had made the mental journey to admire the Sphinx and the Pyramids, I are found to admire, in the case of most fortune the backside of a camel on the road (there are normal carriages do not exist, there are camels to pull the carriages and, if you are close, careful where you put your feet .. No dates !!??)
Moreover, during the forced stop in Aqaba, I also took a kind of deadly plague, which did not allow me to put my nose out of the cab for a day ..

Me miserable, my poor wretch!? (say that!? do you remember?)

But Vaffa (give me the onset) to my workaholic spirit that I not even a day off at Christmas .. maybe if I rested a bit more, it was better ..

So if I was hoping to relax, I'm back from vacation in this beautiful one, more or less under these conditions ..

But oh well, since you can not cry over spilled milk and because, above all, I have no chest hair to tear from the pain, I'll see at least some photos of the trips that we have to do ..


below the pleasant lands of the Sinai, as you see, a place hospitable, hospitable ..

a Bedouin near the Monastery

goats bleating and stinking of Sinai, but very, very pricey!

as promessoVi, the rump of the camel in the foreground - protagonist - and us poor wretches that we climb the slopes of the mountains of the charming place to take photos from the Monastery

And finally , the Monastery! (Nb, you can not take pictures of the church and is full of emaciated cats, poor hearts! Oh, and of priests and a bit filthy bearded Copt)

the Burning Bush Moses (it will be for what we have put a fire extinguisher?? strange humor Coptic ..)

second stage: the desert of Sinai to Dahab, a town of Sharm sea type

L ' Dahab hotel where he stopped

And there could be missing a cat of Sinai

interior of 'dream hotel

the town of Dahab - below what I believe to be a local stationery ..

spice shop, coral mummified, etc. ..

Dahab in the sunset

signs local

soon for the second episode of the holidays "laxative" in ValeF


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