Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where To Buy Weave Brampton

Freudian vein (which then reads froidiana and I'm weird) but I do not know why. But I said I

"... the students will be picked up in class from docessi ..." DEC

There is snow. of new . Present
all those things I said many posts ago, like, the snow is fantastic I love the snow the snow is my only reason for living and so on? Well, forget it.
I hate snow.
I are on the balls.
I can not do anything, it's stronger than me. He had just dissolved, pig shit! And then this morning it was so cold that if I froze to death, a cremation would take twice as long. I was all a thrill (and I am the one who two years ago it was the cold showers in winter!).
So, I decided to write this post even if they miss four days at the end of the month anyway because I always say the same four shit and does not solve anything anyway.
And then I wanted to talk about the trip immensely (when this one has to pee and run away, but just long? Well, in that sense. I mean, no, but makes a lot).
Paris. Six days (but two will spend on the bus).
Versailles, Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Trocadero, Arc de Triomphe, Paris. The essence
della più eccitante delle città (ma credo che comunque, quando si parlerà di Londra, Parigi si beccherà un secondo posto. Non riesco nemmeno a pensare a Londra in senso di gasamento, perché è semplicemente troppo grande come cosa. Trascende l'attimo. Cribbio, sembra un verso di poesia, dovrei metterlo da qualche parte. Trascende l'attimo. Trascende l'attimo. Figata. Mi suona, anche).
Ho pensato che, se riesco a trovare un internet point all'albergo o comunque in zona, potrei aggiornare direttamente il blog. Il problema è che probabilmente non avrò neanche il tempo di respirare. Anzi, questo non è un problema, cribbietto, Alè!
Scusate, quando mi gaso mi viene da chiamarmi name. Eccheccipossofare? Indeed, ecchemmenefrega? Not for nothing is spoken of my blog ù.ù
Anyway, I spent the last three or four hours on the books, so I deserve a little 'breather. But tomorrow I will have to revise anyway (read = study) TT history
However, I have stuck to The Script.
And I have a cold, which I have balls.
And I hate to have forgotten the book home this morning.
And it's a pain having to call M. while around him there, but so, I have to arrange. Nothing
theater this week, which is what I widely balls.
And I do not know, I wanted to write (like a very abstract, is the vostro: avevo voglia di fare i compiti. Traduzione: alla fine non ho comunque fatto un cazzo).
La batteria del mio computer è morta, c'è una piccola X rossa sopra (credo che significhi che l'ho scassata un po' troppo. Del resto, avevo fatto scoppiare il caricabatterie solo un paio di mesi fa, quindi dovevo immaginare che presto sarebbe arrivata anche l'ora della batteria. Povero piccì, ha resistito fin troppo nelle mie diaboliche mani. Ma dimenticavo di dirvi che la "q" ogni tanto si scassa ed esce fuori dal tassello. E un altoparlante funziona a sbalzi. Questo dà un'idea globale delle condizioni dell'elettronica nelle mie nevrotiche dipendenze).
Io sono completamente acciaccata (dopo la brillante drop on Monday was not moss moss, physical education yesterday gave me the coup de grace. Now, however, I move it hurts. All).
you, please, keep visiting the blog, because I'm glad to uu
But they are also much pain in the ass (if I could put my face YesYes ago that I would. It 's the exact reproduction of the response of an acquaintance to the question: " They are irritating, eh? ". Poor. We had spoken once).
I'm desperately waiting for the correct chapters of the book. But do not come. The thing is I hate it. Saturday evening class last year. Not like I've got, but I miss my friends.
Bon, I can not think of anything else (apart from that L and I are too hold: the knowledge of my social dysfunction have offered to stay in the room with me *-*. I love how you sacrificed for. Yes, you too, wifey ^ ^).
I greet you.
Forever yours (but not),


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