... to put "Valentine" on the title. I
hits the ball, just, already and just name it irritates me, but I just point out I spent half the day to cry on, a little 'because as I said I Valentine hits the ball a little' because no one gave me a rose (or chocolates, which are better, and even after I tell you why), a bit 'right to conformism.
There were all girls with one, three, five, seven roses arm, showing off the world with brazen conviction, breaking my balls the poor Christian roses I did not have and all guys love and romance and him I did not have a rose for me, and all that I may hope that is not there either had to no.
(2 Thumbs up for the last post, a lafocedellago doc. Mmm ...)
and cabbage, at least I have not had anyone refuse roses (of course, needless to think that someone is wireless). But that's okay. I'm not disappointed or angry, Valentine's Day aside, of course.
Just for information, if anyone who knows me and knows my nick and I want to give something like it, not even on the day of St. Valentino, passes through here, the chocolates are better because: 1
. They are good and you can eat (something that I think can be done with the roses)
2. Do not wither (like roses), and are good
3. You can put in your bag, keep in your pocket, eat at any time, and they are good
4. Do not ruin themselves and do not throw themselves, remain good
5. Do not irritate those who were not worthy of a gift, and then are good
6. They are made of chocolate . Understand? Chocolate
7. You can hide at the sight of their parents so as not to be forced to give explanations
8. No matter who gives them to you or what dealer is, they are always good
9. They are very small, manageable e poi sono buoni
10. Li amo più di quanto ami le scontatissime rose, che non sono buone
Questa cosa del fare liste inutili e cretine mi emoziona, proprio!
Ho fatto tutti i compiti per domani e dopodomani (quando si dice soddisfazione!).
Ho paura di fare qualche boiata bestiale, se solo mi azzardo a **innamorarmi** in modo serio di qualcuno. Qualsiasi qualcuno egli sia (sì, sto escludendo a priori la possibilità di essere lesbica - che comunque è una parola strana, lesbica. Fa fischiare, tipo).
Voglio leggere leggere leggere e scrivere scrivere scrivere e disegnare disegnare disegnare e vedere telefilm vedere telefilm vedere telefilm e ascoltare musica ascoltare musica ascoltare musica.
Bello, no? No copy and paste again.
Tilt, but did you order? ! I do not even have yet to find a nickname!
Cherry, Ireland beautiful, beautiful poems by Dickinson and also the beautiful French vote!
I'm waiting to touch me, girls flaunted your fidanzatucchi. One day it's up to me and that day you shall suffer
A kiss cupids.
Really Hoping not to be so stupid as she Seems,
parbleu yours forever!
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