Post ** ** resolving coughing
A: Martina greets you the first C elle.
I ** believe ** Huh? You need the cover of the first round?
L: ** ** me even more convinced of cacofono But it is a sound! __________
The other day I thought that I wanted to forget the things that were happening to me as a child.
example, but I did not say shit and just after, "thou hast believed, velvet face!" type song.
I can not write anything of worth. I absolutely must do before I head explosions. I want school. But a design I came out fine. Who knows if tomorrow something happens. I want to do aerobics again, which is much better della "funicella". Sono incapace a fare quell'altra tecinca. I miei pensieri si inseguono, contorti. Non vorreste entrare nella mia testa. Il suo sguardo si posò, vacuo, sui volti di tutti i presenti. 40 parole di grammatica. Stupide camicie. Okay, questo non era risolutivo!
I vecchietti che si fermano e ti sorridono e ti parlano perché sono grati che tu li ascolti mi fanno tenerezza.
Per non più di quindici minuti di conversazione (vedete, sono particolarmente resistente, io).
Non sono andata a messa perché ci sono gli alpini e non ci si sta per niente giù in paese. Credo che andrò stasera o cercherò una punizione meno logorante del senso of guilt for not having gone. __________
seen any episode of Seventh Heaven. Stupid Donkey Kong.
Okay, this was not conclusive. __________ I
brain is gonna burn! __________
Empire Delivered to G. *-* I do not even know why I make this face, but he was happy, so I'm happy even without wasting too many words. __________
Would you believe if I told you that maybe buy Hyperversum 3? If it really is exhausting as the second. __________
are completely haywire. Express thoughts disconnected. I need (seriously) to a therapist. __________
"Are you serious?"
"I'm Sirius always! "
I stumbled without barriers, simply by joining one of my foot after the other. -.-', Bella Swan I do not care (not that I repeat this phrase, I think I already used here on blog, copyright is not mine-should be a person of EFP, sorry, can not remember his name! -).
__________ __________
Enough is enough is enough
Before you say other rubbish, I close. Always yours (but not),
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