Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lost Yellow Immunization Record Ontario

and words of poets - and earthly things

I wanted this post was an ode to poetry, but of course life is much less poetic and more real than could ever be this post (right now I'm thinking that the nice thing about blogs is that we can write what you Apparently, including periods more tangled you can imagine, so it is essential that the public understands them. What a love!).
and then split the posts.
Let's start with the "earthly". This morning I went across the city believes the library. Then I realized that was not the library but the branch of a school and I went back to the most desirable. And then a guy who did not know I was greeted (or more likely I was a typical gesture "Aho!? Are you there?" But I do not know why).
I've seen it twice - more than I hoped - and I actually found that I blush. Argh!
When I come by bus 12.30 pm I feel stupid. I sgraficato a bit '. See?
Finally, I took to school, "The Night Watch" trilogy complete, and I had never done. The nice thing is that I also wanted to go buy a book, then I changed my mind on the fly and went home. Series: things that one can not explain but you could easily raise an eyebrow.
I would like to tell you some sites that I always spiscio, or simply link to laugh a bit '.
difficult world

Last night I decided to listen to "This Is Love" by The Script and also "Bright Lights" by Placebo. I was in my bed and I thought that the authors were poets (and, ovviamente, magistralmente bravi come musicisti).
E ho pensato che, dovendo proprio, vorrei morire così, con questa musica nelle orecchie e la commozione e il cuore che batte - e che posso sentire.
E poi pensavo che Giselle Green è una poetessa che scrive d'incanto, e così Wilde, e così Luk'janenko, e così anche Pullman. Sono supremi padroni della letteratura.
E non saranno Manzoni, e non saranno Dante, ma io li ho scelti. E loro me.

Mi sono sentita così piena di fulgido splendore...

Per sempre libera,


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