When she left I had not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat would happen. I loved her so much, she was everything to me. I felt lost. I do not have anything. The pain enveloped me like a covered with sharp needles for months. Spend their leisure time to walk. I crossed the city from side to side. But around the city made me feel even worse. Every damn wall, every fucking square every stronzissima road reminded me of the woman I loved and who had left me alone. During this period ushered in the subway. I spent long hours in the snake sheet. I loved the subway. I had never been with her in those places. The place was mine alone. The subway has one line in Turin, for a total of less than 20 km in all. When he arrived at their destination at the terminal, I took the other side and went on for a long time. After a bit 'me too stufai than that. I began to frequent the blog, write to the network. A comparison with others. There was a whole world of people who were ill, suffering the torments of hell, he hated everything, just like me. I met a woman. I began to attend. She understood me. I did not understand her, but that was normal. It was still a woman. We made love. She spent the weekend with me, next time I would spend the weekend with her. During the week we felt every day. We were a couple. I was once again a person for whom I was important. It was beautiful. When she went away I had not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat would happen. Yet it was already happened. It happened to me, had happened at all. I decided not to attend more the world of blogs. But it did not last long. I went back to reread and I happened to stumble in word, other words, only words, written by a woman. I began to read these pages regularly. This woman reminded me of the woman, the last that I had left. The more I read, most would find similarities with her. After a while, 'began to emerge within me the conviction that all these similarities are not coincidental. The woman who wrote it because it reminded me of was her. I decided to contact you. Not once I said that I had discovered. I told her who I was not even real. I began to flirt with her again. When she asked me to see you caught me off guard. I had not planned any strategy. I did not aspettato di arrivare a quel punto. Decisi di continuare nella mia messinscena. Eravamo d’accordo di incontrarci alla stazione di Milano. Di nuovo. Non era la prima volta che incontravo quella donna in quella stessa stazione. La convinsi a non scambiarci le foto. Le dissi di farsi trovare con una orchidea gialla fra le mani. Io vedendo una donna con una orchidea gialla fra le mani, avrei capito che era lei. La cosa le piacque. Molto romantico, disse. Arrivato a Milano ci incontrammo. Lei era bellissima. Non era la donna con cui ero stato, ma non mi importava. Lei era stupenda. Passammo la serata insieme e ci trovammo bene. Era tutto perfetto. Pensai subito che avrei voluto passare la mia vita con quella donna incredibile. Passai la notte da lei, soltanto a chiacchierare. Finalmente we kissed, we fell asleep on her couch. When I woke up I hurt my shoulder. His head had been resting all night up there. I was in seventh heaven. The following week she came to me. We made love for the whole weekend. On Sunday morning I brought her coffee in bed and asked her: - Want to take a ride on the metro? - She smiled and said yes. smiled in my turn, I took her face in her hands and gave her a long kiss. I had no idea what would happen, but I did not care.
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