Hello everyone!
Following in the wake of holidays past and in the process of those to come, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas (a little 'late: P) and a fruitful holiday!
Oggi sono qui per parlarvi delle prime impressioni che ho avuto riguardo ai prodotti Kiko Cosmetics.
La Kiko ha da poco aperto qui vicino,in un posto finalmente raggiungibile!
Ho deciso di provare qualche prodotto per testarne la qualità e...meraviglia!
Sono rimasta impressionata dalla qualità,dall'ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo e dalla vastità della gamma prodotti.
(Che per una marca quasi low-cost è più che ottima!)
Ma basta chiacchiere, vi lascio alle recensioni:
Kiko Double Touch 07, Rosa Muave
I found this great lip color, the quality of the product is more than satisfactory, the product is scriventissimo (and you notice a lot regardless of the color comes very close to that of my lips).
I lasted up to 8 hours down, I applied without any basis, using a simple pencil to the bare outline.
Packaging is an essential, practical and less space. As you can see from the photos, the whole is divided into two phases, the first with the permanent color base and the second containing a moisturizing lipgloss perfectly transparent. The paint has a sponge brush to the brush in a normal lipgloss synthetic bristles.
The price is respectable, just € 6.90 per 8ml of product, divided into dyeing and 4ml 4ml for lipgloss.
Well, this is probably the only known product of''painful''. The second phase of lipgloss is really moisturizing, but the same effect as would a lip balm applied several minutes before being removed and color application. In my life, I do not ever to end a transparent lipgloss than one year, for this reason, I think that the amount of product exceeds that of the tint the lips, and I had been in the lords kiko, I would have preferred a different division between the two products, rather than fair.
For the rest I must say, the color I have is a beautiful brick slightly pink, slightly darker than my lips, without any glitter or pearlescence inside. The finish is completely mat, a very bare 'bon ton' can not be missed ... great product!
QUALITY ' 10/10
DURATA 10/10
PREZZO 10/10
KIKO Pencil Lipgloss in 09,Beige Chiaro
Ho trovato il lucidalabbra in matitone provato molto carino,easy ed economico.
Il prezzo è di 3,90€ per 2,27 g of product.
The color I chose is the 09, light beige. A beige with some tending to orange pearlescence inside, but no glitterini. Give lips a beautiful wet look, the coverage is average.
About me intact lasted about 1 ½ hours, after which he began to fade, as all the lipgloss.
a positive note, the packaging of the product is definitely much more practical version of the tube with brush, perfect for those who are rarely at home and not always at their disposal a mirror. The application is very precise, the effect is nice .. basically a good product, nothing funny, but surely consigliato.
KIKO eyeshadow, various colors
= D Oh oh
After finally had the pleasure of trying a number of eye shadows KIKO, I can say to be left fully satisfied.
the writing effect is excellent, the packaging is essential, nothing funny, but the duration of eye shadow, including the quality of reports submitted to the price, is excellent.
has nine eye shadows, you can see in the picture. The colors are, from left to right:
I positioned at the forefront of neutral colors. The 167 is a highly pigmented white mat, the 121 is a beige / very light dove gray mat, perfect as a base, a dove il175 dark, glittery and very bright, the 120 is a perfectly opaque brown, much writing, 84 a black mat, writer, but very adaptable.
As for the bright colors''we''instead of 78, a light green satin and glitter, 15, a very discreet lilac whose writing effect, however, leaves a .. want the 163, a blue cielo molto,molto carino,mat...ed infine il mio preferito! Il 24,un oro scuro tendente all'aranciato,pieno di glitterini,molto scrivente e d'effetto..stupendo se applicato su una base scura.
Le cialde contengono 3gr di prodotto.
QUALITA' 9 /10
DURATA 9 / 10
PREZZO 10/10
What else can I say? I hope that the reviews have been to your liking .. let me know your opinions if you have been able to test the same products, a big kiss!
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