across the room catching the attention of all those gods of the firmament. Walking in a way that makes her journey a hellish dance. Her skirt flutters a few inches from the floor. Her sandals dark, twisted tight between her ankles, a card off the ground, which falls suddenly spiral on the cold marble of the room, at the foot of man. He collects cardboard from the ground orange, is to read what's written above, but can not because slips of the hand. Try to grab it while floating in the atmosphere, waving both hands, slapping the void in the air. His clumsy gestures attract the attention of the woman. His clear eyes meet those of the man for a moment and then, as soon as she becomes aware of the collision of their eyes, peering back to somewhere in front of the wall. His nose is weird but nice. A long lock of hair falls over his face. Gently rests a hand on the buttocks while sitting with the other rolls the cowlick behind the left ear. It is noticed that the man is staring. He frowned and his face stitched half smile. He raises dramatically his pint of beer and refers to wave at his head. The woman's lips widen and her hand grasps the handle of his mug. Maybe I should get up and reach it, the man thinks. But it does not. Something holds him back. He has never been afraid of these things but this time his thoughts are crossed by a rough download panic through her spine like an electric shock. The man thinks back to the afternoon spent in the city. The bridge of sighs, all of them actually know him as the bridge of lovers abandoned. There are a lot of stories that many lovers betrayed, humiliated, injured, they have simply chosen to close the game so clear and precise air drops. Man was a lot of time leaning over the railing to look down. Drawn from the abyss, was to fix the hours of the maelstrom of the river eddies. The leaves tumbled from the trees that create a continuous and monotonous circle in the water. At one point he removed his hands from the railing of stone and reached his friends at the time bank. Time banking is a place where people meet for a social investment, reads an inscription at the entrance. The man is here now but it is not really here. Scraps of conversation buzzed annoyingly in my ears. The woman then took up a conversation with her friends but sometimes even throws in passing glance in the revolt man's direction. He wants to be alone. If it was just probably would not have the fear of unleashing the mocking attitude of his friends would not have the problem of conflict with their prejudice, do not bother to succumb to the potential destructiveness of the situation. If he were alone there should be one amazing woman who is looking at him and say hello, then something else, anything, the difficulty is to start a conversation, then later, if the connivance astral are favorable, more or less the entire row smoothly. The problems usually come later. Someone on his right him away from his brooding. His friend is telling a stuff that he just can not a seguire. L’uomo ogni tanto annuisce. Qualche volta sorride. Dice: già. Sorseggia la sua birra. Con la coda dell’occhio tiene ancora sotto controllo la donna, ma il problema è che ormai il momento giusto è andato. L’uomo ha esitato. L’occasione è andata sprecata. Occasione di che? Probabilmente non lo scoprirà mai.
Chissà come si chiama, pensa l’uomo, mentre i suoi amici gli chiedono che cosa pensa delle donne oggetto perenne delle loro pedanti dissertazioni. L’uomo pensa che non gli interessa, che non può dire davvero cosa pensa di loro e delle loro frustranti piccole patetiche questioni, ma non può dire semplicemente così, perché non vuole go to dislike. Pull out of the hat a joke obscene. He wants to be safe. His friends laugh and start to make merry. Who knows what it's called, takes up the cognitive flow in man's head. Who knows really what it's called the Bridge of Sighs.
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