Review struccanti sephora =D
followers Hello dear = D
Today I finish the promise I had made it ... or two to review the cleansing my sephora, one for eyes, and one for the face =)
I preferred to wait at least two weeks before doing so, because I was going to review them (being produced for the face) also result in long-term''''... So here I am!
The cleansing that I own two, or the two-phase eye makeup remover and water make-up remover for the face ..
I leave you to the photos:
What to say * _ * I am fully satisfied with the purchase!
The eye makeup remover is a biphasic, only need very little to remove even the most difficult trick. course is also suitable for waterproof makeup, but does not burn at all and is extremely delicate
= D The price is very honest, I have bought as a''test''the 50-ml bottle for the modest sum of 3.50 €.
course, being precisely a two-phase, has a liquid consistency but slightly oily. I am speaking, however, that vanishes with a minimum of un'oleosità rinsing.
I believe the version of''great''in 125-ml bottle, costs about € 7. Seen as I'm finding there will certainly be my next purchase = D
The eye makeup remover is water instead, is a new product but very, very good.
The Sephora has an entire line of facial cleansing, which has about 3 / 4 different cleansing ...
water cleansing for problem skin, milk cleanser for dry skin, the gel cleanser for combination skin and so on ..
As for my choice ... well, actually I have combination skin and not greasy, but I gladly opted for water make-up remover because hate any type of gel product. It is a consistency that my skin itself refuses,''''spitting out the product and being greasy and oily for at least four days -.-''
However, the power of cleansing is good for the ... ' aggression Well ... now my skin has become accustomed to us, but in fact if you have oily skin you should avoid buying it, because a bit dry 'skin.
I whatever I feel very comfortable there.
La cosa che però mi ha più colpita di questo prodotto è...lo spruzzino *-*
Come potrete notare dalla terza foto,il prodotto,anzi che avere la solita ''pompetta'' fastidiosa,ha come applicatore una sorta di ...medusa,campana? Non so come chiamarvela. Comunque sia,data la sua forma,basta poggiare il dischetto di cotone sui bordi della campana,senza ostruirne il centro,e premere. Il dischetto si inzupperà interamente di struccante,e non sarete costrette a sprecare prodotto o uscire pazze per farlo aderire a tutta la superficie del vostro dischetto/panno struccante.
La confezione da 150 ml è costata circa 7,50€,prezzo ottimo.
Non vi metto la votazione,perchè si tratta di prodotti per il viso e ognuna di voi ha la propria pelle,indi per cui non voglio ''influenzare'' i vostri pareri.
Un bacione e a presto =D
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Traditional Ecuador Clothes
A Chanel Checco Zalone
Girls, I realize that the title of the post is disturbing .. but this remains one of my small specialty
;-) Actually, I do not know if you have a Checco Zalone 2.55, or if your good old Uncle Karl wants to be the next spokesperson for his campaign .. But, come on, Checco vs. Blake Lively for C Hanel next campaign, it would not hurt
Comunque, tornando a noi - scusate il delirio, ma sono in partenza e il caos della valigia regna anche nella mia testa :-) - i riferimenti di cui sopra stavano solo a significare che lo scorso weekeend alcuni amici sono riusciti con l'inganno a trascinarmi al cinema a vedere "Che bella giornata"(e non mi sono beccata "Qualunquemente" solo perchè li avevo minacciati)..
E in questa occasione ho rispolverato la mia giacchetta rosa qui sotto, l'unica cosa, insieme alla sua gonna, che io possieda dello Zio Karl, l'unica che forse possiederò ever, given the attractive prices ... This was a great graduation gift and I never wear it ..
And then I found my soul mate Coffer, did you see? I know, I know, the shoe combined with the bag is as old aunt, but, poor things, were there, in balance, all against them on the shelf for the better price ...
E in questa occasione ho rispolverato la mia giacchetta rosa qui sotto, l'unica cosa, insieme alla sua gonna, che io possieda dello Zio Karl, l'unica che forse possiederò ever, given the attractive prices ... This was a great graduation gift and I never wear it ..
And then I found my soul mate Coffer, did you see? I know, I know, the shoe combined with the bag is as old aunt, but, poor things, were there, in balance, all against them on the shelf for the better price ...
And who am I, Flintheart Famedoro? I've taken it now!
Incidentally, the film Checco Zalone was a pleasant surprise, surprisingly, has a story .. and too cute! Also I want a Trullo in Brianza .. that is, in Bologna! Kisses to all, sorry for the haste and care and less care of the post, but called the case!
the next few days, but I have able to schedule some posts
Incidentally, the film Checco Zalone was a pleasant surprise, surprisingly, has a story .. and too cute! Also I want a Trullo in Brianza .. that is, in Bologna! Kisses to all, sorry for the haste and care and less care of the post, but called the case!
the next few days, but I have able to schedule some posts
know, here I have a face like that I have pulled under a truck ..
wearing: Chanel jacket, Philosophy by Alberta Ferretti vest, H & M collar, Miu Miu Coffer bag, G. Pines over the knee boots
Monday, January 24, 2011
Creative Welcome Addresses For A Church
The bridge of sighs
across the room catching the attention of all those gods of the firmament. Walking in a way that makes her journey a hellish dance. Her skirt flutters a few inches from the floor. Her sandals dark, twisted tight between her ankles, a card off the ground, which falls suddenly spiral on the cold marble of the room, at the foot of man. He collects cardboard from the ground orange, is to read what's written above, but can not because slips of the hand. Try to grab it while floating in the atmosphere, waving both hands, slapping the void in the air. His clumsy gestures attract the attention of the woman. His clear eyes meet those of the man for a moment and then, as soon as she becomes aware of the collision of their eyes, peering back to somewhere in front of the wall. His nose is weird but nice. A long lock of hair falls over his face. Gently rests a hand on the buttocks while sitting with the other rolls the cowlick behind the left ear. It is noticed that the man is staring. He frowned and his face stitched half smile. He raises dramatically his pint of beer and refers to wave at his head. The woman's lips widen and her hand grasps the handle of his mug. Maybe I should get up and reach it, the man thinks. But it does not. Something holds him back. He has never been afraid of these things but this time his thoughts are crossed by a rough download panic through her spine like an electric shock. The man thinks back to the afternoon spent in the city. The bridge of sighs, all of them actually know him as the bridge of lovers abandoned. There are a lot of stories that many lovers betrayed, humiliated, injured, they have simply chosen to close the game so clear and precise air drops. Man was a lot of time leaning over the railing to look down. Drawn from the abyss, was to fix the hours of the maelstrom of the river eddies. The leaves tumbled from the trees that create a continuous and monotonous circle in the water. At one point he removed his hands from the railing of stone and reached his friends at the time bank. Time banking is a place where people meet for a social investment, reads an inscription at the entrance. The man is here now but it is not really here. Scraps of conversation buzzed annoyingly in my ears. The woman then took up a conversation with her friends but sometimes even throws in passing glance in the revolt man's direction. He wants to be alone. If it was just probably would not have the fear of unleashing the mocking attitude of his friends would not have the problem of conflict with their prejudice, do not bother to succumb to the potential destructiveness of the situation. If he were alone there should be one amazing woman who is looking at him and say hello, then something else, anything, the difficulty is to start a conversation, then later, if the connivance astral are favorable, more or less the entire row smoothly. The problems usually come later. Someone on his right him away from his brooding. His friend is telling a stuff that he just can not a seguire. L’uomo ogni tanto annuisce. Qualche volta sorride. Dice: già. Sorseggia la sua birra. Con la coda dell’occhio tiene ancora sotto controllo la donna, ma il problema è che ormai il momento giusto è andato. L’uomo ha esitato. L’occasione è andata sprecata. Occasione di che? Probabilmente non lo scoprirà mai.
Chissà come si chiama, pensa l’uomo, mentre i suoi amici gli chiedono che cosa pensa delle donne oggetto perenne delle loro pedanti dissertazioni. L’uomo pensa che non gli interessa, che non può dire davvero cosa pensa di loro e delle loro frustranti piccole patetiche questioni, ma non può dire semplicemente così, perché non vuole go to dislike. Pull out of the hat a joke obscene. He wants to be safe. His friends laugh and start to make merry. Who knows what it's called, takes up the cognitive flow in man's head. Who knows really what it's called the Bridge of Sighs.
Bmx Helmet Full Face Kikds
Wicker Park - Diane Kruger
Last night I did not leave: I like a beached whale on the rocking chair, complete with batteries and double tutazza hot water bottle, one for walking and one for the belly ...
Here is a small piece of film ... I end almost, almost crawl! E 'tantinello an idiot, I know, but I always take a little care about the fate of the protagonists, if movies are a bit unlucky :-)))
And finally, I leave you with some of the fashion image "sciacquetta" of Diane (good-naturedly goes, just because it's really too, too much pussy, grr) ..
how to get a head band nicely without being ridiculous while not more than 12 years ..
beautiful braid ..
And I will stop here because I'm already by gnawing fear ..
Last night I did not leave: I like a beached whale on the rocking chair, complete with batteries and double tutazza hot water bottle, one for walking and one for the belly ...
Well, in this scene worthy of a documentary about sloths, I started zapping and Rai Movie, I found an unusual film, "Wicker Park", with Diane Kruger (she who is with my love Joshua Jackson) and mica to throw away that other tipino Josh Hartnett (the friend - enemy of Ben Affleck in "Pearl Harbor").
It 's a very cute film, guess What's it??
But, of course, a story of thwarted love: two lovers are lost sight of for two years for a number of adverse events and each believes the other does not love her more .. and then it's all a mess of mysteries, leaks, phone calls, etc. ..
So for someone like me who cry when Bambi dies, a boon!
I highly recommend to all romantic Piagno it.
It 's a very cute film, guess What's it??
But, of course, a story of thwarted love: two lovers are lost sight of for two years for a number of adverse events and each believes the other does not love her more .. and then it's all a mess of mysteries, leaks, phone calls, etc. ..
So for someone like me who cry when Bambi dies, a boon!
I highly recommend to all romantic Piagno it.
Here is a small piece of film ... I end almost, almost crawl! E 'tantinello an idiot, I know, but I always take a little care about the fate of the protagonists, if movies are a bit unlucky :-)))
And finally, I leave you with some of the fashion image "sciacquetta" of Diane (good-naturedly goes, just because it's really too, too much pussy, grr) ..
how to get a head band nicely without being ridiculous while not more than 12 years ..
beautiful braid ..
And I will stop here because I'm already by gnawing fear ..
Sunday, January 23, 2011
What Do I Need For Woofer
Catherine Baba o. .... "Babba bia??
Judge for yourself ... Undoubtedly, not afraid of anything, Catherine!
Ah, another curiosity about Catherine is that perpetually turns to Paris by bicycle, constituting a public danger stalking her heels with 20 cm ..
Here it is, with turban and heels disturbing bike .. but how??
Wandering the web, I came across a curious character, that Catherine Baba, you know? Not me, but I admit to being a bit of a goat in fashion and updates on .. However, that Catherine would be a true fashion icon, an Australian stylist arrived in Europe for several years (would live in Paris), but in reality, is always traveling around the world, sharing between the homes of celebrities and collaborations with more "prestiggggiosi" fashion magazines! (when I take a journalistic tone, me to laugh, nun ce the FOR!)
However, our Catherine is a real person! His motto? I put him in the dark all I found in the closet and I am always afraid of a pussy ... Judge for yourself ... Undoubtedly, not afraid of anything, Catherine!
Ah, another curiosity about Catherine is that perpetually turns to Paris by bicycle, constituting a public danger stalking her heels with 20 cm ..
mad, mad fan of turbans

Here it is, with turban and heels disturbing bike .. but how??
And you can not say that the slight fur!
This look below, but I find it fabulous, grrr! envy ..
and then she tendonitis wrists, not have it!? maledettaa! (Always good-natured!)
and then she tendonitis wrists, not have it!? maledettaa! (Always good-natured!)

Finally, the effect chandelier ... Well, "both of hat, "Catherine! to you how it feels?
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Silk Incontinence Panties
Naked Palette Review
Buongiorno a tutti!
Chiedo scusa per la breve assenza,ma non avevo nulla di interessante da recensirvi o proporvi..per cui,eccomi qui!
Circa una settimana fa sono riuscita ad andare alla sephora,ma...cosa più importante...ho tra le mani la mia SPLENDIDA naked palette!!
Averla è stato un miracolo,l'ho fatta keep aside for at least a month before going to take it, when I learned that I was still in high spirits = D
I leave you to the photos without color swatches because it is neutral, which with my camera really say anything ...
I invite you to click on it and observe the best colors, I can assure you that the first picture you see, the one without flash, it's really realistic.
(with flash)
Inutile che stia a ripetervi i colori uno per uno,ci sono blog con swatches su swatches sicuramente migliori di quelli che potrei farvi io! palette mi è piaciuta davvero molto!
L'unica cosa che mi ha delusa è stata la dimensione delle cialde,ognuna delle quali contiene 1,3gr di prodotto..quasi delle full size,sì per la Urban Decay! Nulla a che vedere con i 3gr di prodotto degli eyeshadow kiko.
Non sono rimasta comunque ''molto'' delusa dalla dimensione,perchè comunque sia si tratta di colori estremamente pigmentati e morbidi nella stesura.
La palette spazia davvero su tutte le tonalità neutre,virgin e sin sono due illuminanti (il primo in particolare).. Virgin è un color crema, Sin è uno champagne molto rosato,satinato.
Abbiamo poi Naked ,un color carne completamente mat, Sidecar ,un taupe molto chiaro e con qualche pagliuzza all'interno, Buck ,un marrone mat, Half Baked , un oro abbastanza scuro e leggermente shimmer,
Smog ,un nocciola a sottotono verde oliva,shimmer,il mio preferito in assoluto,un colore davvero raro!
Infine ci troviamo davanti ai 5 colori più dark palette, or Darkhorse , a brown shimmer, Toasted, in a very light brown with red, Hustle, which I believe is the darker version of Toasted, Creep, a black / gray with flakes inside and Gunmetal , the classic''gray''gun, precisely, of UD.
What about the colors I liked very much, all but two of the creep and sidecar ... splendid colors, but I found the glitter are scattered all over your face =)
Where decide to buy the palette, I suggest you definitely use the 'wet' of these two products.
The 24 / 7 inside the package is divided into two, one part black in color Zero. The other is brown in color Whiskey .
These are two very good pencils, scriventissime and very soft in the application. The duration and high, but I find it is not so''great''in the eye.
By comparison with the vibrant eye pencil kiko, they are much better in the writing effect and price!
Inside the box I found a mini-size primer potion, which, however, I will make a separate review!
The palette has cost € 40, a price quite cheap given the quality and practicality of the object.
top marks!
QUALITY ' 9 / 10
10/10 10/10 DURATION
PRICE 8 / 10
Buongiorno a tutti!
Chiedo scusa per la breve assenza,ma non avevo nulla di interessante da recensirvi o proporvi..per cui,eccomi qui!
Circa una settimana fa sono riuscita ad andare alla sephora,ma...cosa più importante...ho tra le mani la mia SPLENDIDA naked palette!!
Averla è stato un miracolo,l'ho fatta keep aside for at least a month before going to take it, when I learned that I was still in high spirits = D
I leave you to the photos without color swatches because it is neutral, which with my camera really say anything ...
I invite you to click on it and observe the best colors, I can assure you that the first picture you see, the one without flash, it's really realistic.
(without flash)
Inutile che stia a ripetervi i colori uno per uno,ci sono blog con swatches su swatches sicuramente migliori di quelli che potrei farvi io! palette mi è piaciuta davvero molto!
L'unica cosa che mi ha delusa è stata la dimensione delle cialde,ognuna delle quali contiene 1,3gr di prodotto..quasi delle full size,sì per la Urban Decay! Nulla a che vedere con i 3gr di prodotto degli eyeshadow kiko.
Non sono rimasta comunque ''molto'' delusa dalla dimensione,perchè comunque sia si tratta di colori estremamente pigmentati e morbidi nella stesura.
La palette spazia davvero su tutte le tonalità neutre,virgin e sin sono due illuminanti (il primo in particolare).. Virgin è un color crema, Sin è uno champagne molto rosato,satinato.
Abbiamo poi Naked ,un color carne completamente mat, Sidecar ,un taupe molto chiaro e con qualche pagliuzza all'interno, Buck ,un marrone mat, Half Baked , un oro abbastanza scuro e leggermente shimmer,
Smog ,un nocciola a sottotono verde oliva,shimmer,il mio preferito in assoluto,un colore davvero raro!
Infine ci troviamo davanti ai 5 colori più dark palette, or Darkhorse , a brown shimmer, Toasted, in a very light brown with red, Hustle, which I believe is the darker version of Toasted, Creep, a black / gray with flakes inside and Gunmetal , the classic''gray''gun, precisely, of UD.
What about the colors I liked very much, all but two of the creep and sidecar ... splendid colors, but I found the glitter are scattered all over your face =)
Where decide to buy the palette, I suggest you definitely use the 'wet' of these two products.
The 24 / 7 inside the package is divided into two, one part black in color Zero. The other is brown in color Whiskey .
These are two very good pencils, scriventissime and very soft in the application. The duration and high, but I find it is not so''great''in the eye.
By comparison with the vibrant eye pencil kiko, they are much better in the writing effect and price!
Inside the box I found a mini-size primer potion, which, however, I will make a separate review!
The palette has cost € 40, a price quite cheap given the quality and practicality of the object.
top marks!
QUALITY ' 9 / 10
10/10 10/10 DURATION
PRICE 8 / 10
Friday, January 21, 2011
Mounting Satellite Radio In 2007 Jetta
Enzo at Pitti!
Noooooo! But look who has been immortalized " at Pitti "by Tommy Ton!? ?
The legendary Enzo! Tommy must have thought, but how you dress !!!??
Leaving aside the fact that it is approached by an Indian who sells roses ..
Image fashion and languid eye from time to star killed by advances Store!
In his dreamy eye I think I want to see a trickle of suddenly turning around and make him swallow all the roses, a seller that there ..
Eccheccavolo, but just when Tommy Ton makes me eternal justice, you veni?
But you're always tres charmant, Enzo! You adovo be decided!
picture by Tommy Ton for
The legendary Enzo! Tommy must have thought, but how you dress !!!??
Leaving aside the fact that it is approached by an Indian who sells roses ..
Image fashion and languid eye from time to star killed by advances Store!
In his dreamy eye I think I want to see a trickle of suddenly turning around and make him swallow all the roses, a seller that there ..
Eccheccavolo, but just when Tommy Ton makes me eternal justice, you veni?
But you're always tres charmant, Enzo! You adovo be decided!

picture by Tommy Ton for
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Fox Automotive Charger
A bit of me and some photos
Hello, girls! Not long ago, some virtual friends - whom I thank - I was honored with several awards, in order to invite me to reveal something personal ..
So feel here, if you have the patience to read through, there's also some pictures: (comparison between consciousness and ValeF ValeF)
- Apparently, they are very merry and talkative, but who knows me well knows that in reality are rather shy and reserved and that the exuberant show is just a way to feel more sure of myself ---- TSK, TSK, BUT IF E 'WHEN YOU DID YOU SAY, to make you stop talking, should disappear !!!??
- Apparently, they are very merry and talkative, but who knows me well knows that in reality are rather shy and reserved and that the exuberant show is just a way to feel more sure of myself ---- TSK, TSK, BUT IF E 'WHEN YOU DID YOU SAY, to make you stop talking, should disappear !!!??
- there are few times when I like the way I dress, but I can not detach myself, perhaps because of work, from this style that I was stuck on him, a little austere and classic ---- - YOU ARE IN OLD, REVIEW! AND THEN IN 'DAYS STI which has the dead hand WELL, SO .. ARE YOU OUT OF PURE OLD!
- and that is why why I decided to post pictures of me and my "ciofeche," just to confront you and get advice, and why not, when I make a compliment, even reassuring, from time to time ..----- - BUT STOPS Pull?
- for me the dress and makeup are the armor everyday when I take them and I feel good about what I wear, magically improves the way I put myself with people and to tackle the work .. So, come to my house when I'm in a bathrobe and curlers, and I have in hand! ;-) Well, if you can come when they are in those conditions, it means that you know me very well! ---- I saw: A big shows that even the MONSTER THE BLACK LAGOON!? ... Um, I did not say this!
- in short, I'm going to live with my boyfriend in our new home ------- AND 'HIS NEW HOME, NOT YOUR OWN, BUT WHAT DO I DO NOT LOVE!?
- the new home does not make me crazy, but I'm trying to force .. er, positive influence on my better half in order to add some to my liking ------ NO COMMENT (AZZ THE PAVIM ... THOSE WITH TILE, AZZ, CRRRRR, PORC ... er, must be a INTERFERENCE ...)
- maybe Saturday and the final purchase kitchen cabinets (I like these, moreover, I have chosen them myself) .. ------- But this one PAYS HE
- Idefix, the dog Luke, I am particularly sympathetic, but, thank God, you will not live with us .. -------- Sneaky CANINO nag!? MIU MIU, ATTACK! PRIDE CAT!
Have you seen how cute my conscience? So nice that you would shoot in with the happy bus!
For now I'd say it enough!
A kiss to all!
For now I'd say it enough!
A kiss to all!
wearing: Zara shearling jacket, Laltramoda sweater, leather belt, Ralph Lauren skirt, Furla bag, no brand laceup boots, Lea Stein brooch
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