The following is a photo of the LO at the Meeting started ^ _ ^ and finished at home ....

- tell my readers 10 things about me is absolutely true;
- to appoint 10 people and inform them to be eligible for this award;
- note that the blogger has rewarded us.
The first and last points than them .... Unfortunately for the second are a little late ... turntable to the various blogs I've seen that already in so many you did ... so ... I just have to name all those who have not yet been appointed and they want to do ... (I hope you have recovered a bit:-S)
..... Well! So let's start with the 10 true things about me ....
1) the morning does not leave the house if I have not made the bed ...
2) are addicted to order and when I can not keep it I get the nerve!
3) I love the pampering ... that is to receive them but (.... the second most ;-))
4) singing everywhere, in the car, at home while doing the cleaning in the shower of course (who does not?) to work .... I just .... cmq practically everywhere:-D
5) are addicted to shoes and bags! I buy all the time!
6) before going to sleep I love to drink tea with his mother and make us the talk (the famous summit of the day)
7) I like to eat! But so much!
8) are a sunny person and I do not like long faces!
9) I like the winter .... and sleep under the duvet ^ _ ^ ... and watch TV with my love all huddled under the cover, on the couch in front of the fireplace and a nice cup of hot chocolate ^___^
10) is a 'hopeless romantic .... ^ _ ^ (If he had not understood) .... ahahahahaha
Now I greet you and hug you virtually!! Until next time ^ _ ^
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