Melino and Melina
Post totally useless. I just wanted to use the tag "Desaparecido", because it is the only one that appears only once and made my displeasure.
Anyway, despite my terrible fear, I got 9 in English. At least that
! I am disgusting, except for 8 in French, at least for 7 and 1 / 2 in science. Yes, okay. Are sketched. I am always hungry, but I am on a diet (that nasty word).
And I've found nicknames for me and the Blonde (Blonde is too sgamabile).
Melino and Melina. C =
the next.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Journal Antimicrob Chemotherapy Impact Factor
The Mazinga - tamarro
Ragazze/i, vi ricordate che qualche post fa vi avevo raccontato di un mio acquisto, per così dire, "mazinghesco"?
tsk, tsk, the chair of human skin makes me Fantozzi spoiler!
(but I must find an alternative place for photos!)
Ragazze/i, vi ricordate che qualche post fa vi avevo raccontato di un mio acquisto, per così dire, "mazinghesco"?
Ecco, credo di aver comprato il vestito più tamarro della storia dell'uomo, però mi piace moltissimo!
L'ho messo sabato sera per la prima volta in occasione di una festa in cui le donne, seppur giovani, erano tutte piuttosto tristi in fatto di abbigliamento, manco si fossero preparate per stare tutto il giorno in studio, come in una giornata di lavoro qualunque...
E allora io, tutta di pelle inguainata come un megaserpentone, mi sono sentita molto ringalluzzita e "ggiovane", sì, grazie al mio vestitone Mazinga style!
E voi che ne dite? Vi bacio come sempre, con tutto il My ammore!
L'ho messo sabato sera per la prima volta in occasione di una festa in cui le donne, seppur giovani, erano tutte piuttosto tristi in fatto di abbigliamento, manco si fossero preparate per stare tutto il giorno in studio, come in una giornata di lavoro qualunque...
E allora io, tutta di pelle inguainata come un megaserpentone, mi sono sentita molto ringalluzzita e "ggiovane", sì, grazie al mio vestitone Mazinga style!
E voi che ne dite? Vi bacio come sempre, con tutto il My ammore!
brillocchi studs and, for my simple little things in simple human skin!
(and my wrist "space", are ready to flutter in spaziooo!)
(and my wrist "space", are ready to flutter in spaziooo!)
tsk, tsk, the chair of human skin makes me Fantozzi spoiler!
(but I must find an alternative place for photos!)
wearing: leather studded dress no brand, no brand overtheknee boots, vintage silver bracelet
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Scientific Definition Of Gold
I wanted a sunny day. I wanted to wake up because there was too much light. I wanted
that none of this had ever happened. As of January 9, 2006. I do not remember very well that day ... only the pulse in my head for too much heat, and do not realize what had happened.
exactly how I feel today. The head of a beating heart, warm - I think it may be fever, and I think I have had it for a while '- and that I just can not comprehend everything that has happened.
The tears would come out without going through the street and not even know why.
Maybe my brother last night, coming back, made me snort hallucinogenic mushrooms in his sleep, as when, years ago, I moisten the mouth with water and awoke in the morning ridendo nel ricordare come io lappassi avidamente.
E questa, signori miei, è un'ipotesi non da escludere.
Detto questo, vi lascio - ho bisogno di un'Aspirina, credo, ma mi rifiuto di usare farmaci. Per di più, ho un raffreddore indicibile.
Whats The Strongest Pain Relief For Toothache
Kiko Ultra Tech Mascara
In this second post of the day I wanted to talk about a product I have fully satisfied and I recommend you buy if you have a near kiko!
In this second post of the day I wanted to talk about a product I have fully satisfied and I recommend you buy if you have a near kiko!
This ultra tech mascara ... available in both waterproof or not.
The ultra tech mascara that Kiko's absolute favorite. It has a duration of six months after opening, at a cost of € 7.90 and a quantity of product equal to 10ml.
Kiko favorite mascara is the absolute beauty of the addicted, has a very stretching and is also slightly volumizing. I can assure you that the result on the eyelashes is great ... and if it cigliozza''beautiful''effect on my lashes, which are quite short and not very bulky, I can assure you that it will do well on you!
is very dark, lasts all day and the waterproof version is a gigantic undertaking in the removal!
is very dark, lasts all day and the waterproof version is a gigantic undertaking in the removal!
is currently sold in the modest price range of no less than € 3.90!
What if you do not tell you until you are to gain time? I
I bought 4! XD
What if you do not tell you until you are to gain time? I
I bought 4! XD
A big kiss!
Brine Ripper Lacrosse
Liz earle Cleanse&Polish..che scoperta!!!
Good Sunday to all followers (and not = P)
Some time ago I was contacted by Liz Earle, who has kindly sent me a trial version of their product must have, or Cleanse & Polish.
As this is a face, I decided to use it very long before he spoke.
The Liz Earle is a very serious and completely cruelty free. It is not eco-bio, but none of the products has acci bad indeed .. anything! These products are the crossroads between the eco-bio and synthetic, and from what I've been able to prove they seemed really good.
The cleanse & polish cleaner is a very renowned in the face cream form.
not foam, is applied in small amounts on the face and massaged in gently, just like a day cream!
sucessivamente be removed with the help of muslin cloth sold in combo with the product.
The cloth should be soaked in warm water and wrung out properly, but creates a gentle exfoliation, and is recommended wash it every two uses. The
liz earle cleanse & polish as recommended product for all skin types, and personally I think it's true!
not dry your skin in no way whatsoever, but ... the slightly hydrated leaving it soft and clean.
Never a product to cleanse your face left me with a feeling of clean as satisfying.
What about ... Highly recommended and passed with flying colors! Liz earle
The ships from England, so you will not have to go against customs .. no problem shipping costs are quite low and also it is a company truly super-serious and friendly.
I leave you the link to their site:
And I invite you to carefully check each product and the price does not scare you! The liz earle offers thousands of options to purchase any product, in addition to offering various gift packages davvero invitanti!
Fatemi sapere le vostre opinioni!!
Good Sunday to all followers (and not = P)
Some time ago I was contacted by Liz Earle, who has kindly sent me a trial version of their product must have, or Cleanse & Polish.
As this is a face, I decided to use it very long before he spoke.
The Liz Earle is a very serious and completely cruelty free. It is not eco-bio, but none of the products has acci bad indeed .. anything! These products are the crossroads between the eco-bio and synthetic, and from what I've been able to prove they seemed really good.
The cleanse & polish cleaner is a very renowned in the face cream form.
not foam, is applied in small amounts on the face and massaged in gently, just like a day cream!
sucessivamente be removed with the help of muslin cloth sold in combo with the product.
The cloth should be soaked in warm water and wrung out properly, but creates a gentle exfoliation, and is recommended wash it every two uses. The
liz earle cleanse & polish as recommended product for all skin types, and personally I think it's true!
not dry your skin in no way whatsoever, but ... the slightly hydrated leaving it soft and clean.
Never a product to cleanse your face left me with a feeling of clean as satisfying.
What about ... Highly recommended and passed with flying colors! Liz earle
The ships from England, so you will not have to go against customs .. no problem shipping costs are quite low and also it is a company truly super-serious and friendly.
I leave you the link to their site:
And I invite you to carefully check each product and the price does not scare you! The liz earle offers thousands of options to purchase any product, in addition to offering various gift packages davvero invitanti!
Fatemi sapere le vostre opinioni!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sunfish Sailboat Dangers
@ _ @ Sometimes we've no choice But to walk away
E' quello che vorrei fare. Vorrei andarmene via, perché ormai ho capito una cosa. Non è che mi sento sola . Mi sento con troppe persone attorno, persone a cui non posso né voglio parlare, oppure persone che non ascoltano le mie parole e vogliono per forza farmi tacere.
Adesso sono fisicamente e psichicamente sola, e la cosa mi sta più che bene. Il problema is that I can not always be so. Logistics aside (you know who are not of age), I can not just leave. I can not. It 'something that it's all what I believe, everything that I love.
So I say: "Sometimes we've no choice But to stay".
I'm going to crash with so-called The Betrothed. Why do we study it , sprouts marinated in brine? I do not give a caper of Renzo and Lucia, indeed, I am getting just about Zebedee! Two idiots worthy of the name, worthy companions. But Ugh! In addition I have also made Latin (it's a dead language? Why Gelmini has not cut this ? Why nobody understands me? Because no mi ama? Okay, l'ultima no... ma anche sì -M-) e scienze (no comment. Sul serio, no comment).
...Daaammi una lametta che mi taglio le veeene!...
E' quello che vorrei fare. Vorrei andarmene via, perché ormai ho capito una cosa. Non è che mi sento sola . Mi sento con troppe persone attorno, persone a cui non posso né voglio parlare, oppure persone che non ascoltano le mie parole e vogliono per forza farmi tacere.
Adesso sono fisicamente e psichicamente sola, e la cosa mi sta più che bene. Il problema is that I can not always be so. Logistics aside (you know who are not of age), I can not just leave. I can not. It 'something that it's all what I believe, everything that I love.
So I say: "Sometimes we've no choice But to stay".
I'm going to crash with so-called The Betrothed. Why do we study it , sprouts marinated in brine? I do not give a caper of Renzo and Lucia, indeed, I am getting just about Zebedee! Two idiots worthy of the name, worthy companions. But Ugh! In addition I have also made Latin (it's a dead language? Why Gelmini has not cut this ? Why nobody understands me? Because no mi ama? Okay, l'ultima no... ma anche sì -M-) e scienze (no comment. Sul serio, no comment).
...Daaammi una lametta che mi taglio le veeene!...
PS: internet non c’è da un pezzo. Magari mi scampo la ricerca.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thick Dark Line On Penis
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Lo so. Perdonatemi. Lo so che non sono una fan del latino ma, capitemi, per una cosa decente che hanno tirato fuori, fatemela mettere!
Ieri sera ero a letto e mi veniva un po' da piangere, perché in fondo erano solo le nove e mi sentivo terribilmente alone. I thought that I had to write that sentence on the chalkboard, and I also thought that I had to apologize.
If there's one thing these last five long years have taught me, it is that you have to admit their mistakes. All times, even when it seems that does not count. Even when you think, "But with that so I do not speak anymore, who am I doing this?".
So I powered on the phone and I sent a text message to a person who does not speak more than two years.
I know. I also know this. I'm just a bitch is not that sms is the best way to communicate. That, after all this time, what the hell, I might bother to speak in the face. But I
quickly. I had this big weight on my stomach, knowing that it was like having to do it before you lose the courage and energy, before he died that, gosh, I could not even see the sun. Let's face it. And so, with this urgency upon him, I apologized.
The person I asked did not have my number. But I know, I know with absolute certainty that he now wants to know what I want from her. And nothing. I could also talk to her, beyond the fact that they are slightly less than in pieces, that we do not speak for a long, more than that so I can not say that it's up to you.
But I did not. This morning I saw her, we laid down for a brief moment, and then our eyes are not crossed.
I was afraid. Are that type of person who, if it is in a very intense feeling, and it heightens things too much and is out of place.
said (over a long rant that is nothing but to nothing), move on.
Lately I feel out of place. Increasingly uncomfortable, as if I had to stay completely away. Not here, not now. Sometimes I miss your breath away. Knowing that there are all these silences are not all scream for silence within us, we scream and nobody hears. I almost wanted to tell someone. Say it all. Once and for all. But others do not understand. It is not their fault, and not miss that I want to be a martyr santarellina beyond human comprehension. It 's just so e basta, la mia vita e le loro sono su orbite diverse - e ringrazio che sia così. Ringrazio infinitamente che nessuno possa capirmi. Ovvio, forse qualcuno c'è. Ma a volte vorrei che non ci fosse. Nessuno si merita niente di tutto questo.
Voglio piangere di meno. Io sono quella profondamente animata da speranza e fede, sotto due strati di cinismo e razionalità. Magari non tutti lo vedono. Ma voglio essere quella che sposa le cose migliori della propria vita senza chiedere soluzioni a chi non puù darmene.
Detto questo (finito in una poetica atmosfera che non mi farò problemi a spezzare), passiamo ad altro.
Oggi l'ho visto. Un po', non troppo, non troppo poco. Normale. L'hanno chiuso nell'armadietto, me l'ha detto M. Ho smesso di masticare. Ridevo istericamente. Okay, non sarà amore e non sarò niente seria, ma bisogna ammettere che una gran bella scossa ai miei ormoni gliela dà.
Ho dato del "piscione" ad un piccione e della "caccola" ad una specie di pantegana mutante similcane comperta di muschio e muffa.
Ho gridato molto, sono caduta più volte.
Ho parlato, letto. Sono stata triste e sono stata serena, per manciate di attimi inesistenti. Mi piace quando gente triste sorride. Ho incontrato la ragazza della pozzanghera.
Non c'erano due professori. A teatro non abbiamo risolto niente.
Non ho studiato la terza declinazione di latino (ma eccheppalle!).
Mi sono strafogata di cibo. Non riuscirò mai a fare the diet as it should.
I thought I desperately needed to put the photos only when there is no internet. I hate. I have no idea about my respect. I feel stupid. I was asked a question on hatred.
I saw on the bus, the boy of my first kiss. Was seven, eight years ago and was perhaps the most traumatic experience of my childhood. I spent many nights awake, anxiously, looking back, to torment me, the thought of what was terribly wrong. It 'been for him I learned the meaning of the word "obsession". Like that time, playing, me and my cousin we kissed. But that's another story. I said, the boy's first kiss. I looked and there were just memories for him, no more feeling or thought. And I was pleased. Because it had sprung a very traumatic experience and if I got over it, when I was only passed a wren, then a few years, when all this horror and all this crap will be over, then I can overcome this. Not that I doubt. Except that I never focused on the real implications of it. And I thought it would last forever. But no. It will not last forever (and thank goodness, I would add, pig shit).
I'm too scared to think of a "love". Series, okay, and if he wants to have sex and I'm not ready but then I want it too and shit, I'm not sure I want to (Typical problem crap)? Or, do I want to tell my. And then she asks me out? And if you live far away? On paper (virtual paper, but still) seem much of a cock. I think I'll leave, but only for pure consumption and use me for my future.
Hello, me of my future (Odd, I think maybe now I'll never stop updating the blog, oddly enough because they are fairly constant, and will not keep these memories because they will come to me to reread the old posts. Odde! ).
F: "My mother gave me a banana, I eat it by force. But do you want half?"
P (as parbleu): "Yes"
F: "You, M?"
M: "No"
P: "Smart. How the fuck do you think there are half? He gave you one to me and to you we would fucking M, your banana!"
soon add the pearls of wisdom shoot it out today.
sure to read the types of poop Wiki.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Bubblegum Flavored Soda
Toxic violet dress
details of wigs, born from to disguise the frizz of hair after being washed and dried, I looked like one of the Jackson Five or Mage G, if anyone remembers it ..
and then let me spend the few photos that came cute!
ps I was the only jewel of multicolor earrings - including, of course, purple - which can be glimpsed here only
wearing: Zara violet dress, Anna N jacket, no brand boots overtheknee
Ho sempre adorato il viola in tutte le sue gradazioni. A dir la verità, ne ho fatto una vera scorpacciata e, negli anni, chi sapeva di questa mia passione - come, purtroppo, di quella per Hello Kitty - mi ha regalato gadgets e articoli di abbigliamento di questo colore di ogni genere e specie.. Adesso sono giunta pressochè ad odiare sia il viola che Hello Kitty..
Però le cose, quando si hanno, bisogna pur "ammortizzarle".
Eccovi quindi uno degli ennesimi capi viola che possiedo, reso ancor più allucinogeno dall'accostamento con le calze del medesimo colore: ho pensato che, per esorcizzare la paura, occorresse sfidarla in tutto e per tutto..
Però le cose, quando si hanno, bisogna pur "ammortizzarle".
Eccovi quindi uno degli ennesimi capi viola che possiedo, reso ancor più allucinogeno dall'accostamento con le calze del medesimo colore: ho pensato che, per esorcizzare la paura, occorresse sfidarla in tutto e per tutto..
Ah, put it was for a birthday party to surprise my mononeurone, merely the thought of the word "party", he ran to pull a shiny, only to discover that in spite of himself, since the surprise party in a private home , the birthday boy and his family were almost in pajamas / tank top health (and rightly so, the suspicion could not be celebrated!)
Do not worry about the color of the corpse bride, it's all due to my learned skills as a photographer!
Do not worry about the color of the corpse bride, it's all due to my learned skills as a photographer!
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, directly to you on a wonderful Telemarket belief in real walnut!? (sorry, find decent places to take pictures is becoming more difficult!)
detail of jacket, which, otherwise, it seems only gray
detail of jacket, which, otherwise, it seems only gray
details of wigs, born from to disguise the frizz of hair after being washed and dried, I looked like one of the Jackson Five or Mage G, if anyone remembers it ..
and then let me spend the few photos that came cute!
ps I was the only jewel of multicolor earrings - including, of course, purple - which can be glimpsed here only
wearing: Zara violet dress, Anna N jacket, no brand boots overtheknee
Do Monopods Really Work
Out of place And yesterday and today and tomorrow
And yesterday ... shit like that my mom begin ... was International Women's Day and no one got the mimosa. Two supermarkets I have trimmed a primrose, but I was sad. They fought back and the day was fun. There was a kind of a bitch on stage - but stay at home - as if they were not fun enough to take the piss. We women, I mean. And let us feast. Let us feast, but every day. It put us on TV. Sbatteteci on the screen, but dressed in full. But do not send a prostitute, to dance on that stage. Please, not really. And to you, you women, I say, fuck it, enough. E 'mainly your fault, you never said no.
And today ... I broke his head. I have made the task of English and my feeling that went wrong. And I discussed it with mum and shouted to fellow M "kiss, kiss!" But I did not know whether they were referring to me or F. And he spoke with. I just want to be happy, pork cabbage!
And tomorrow we'll see.
And yesterday ... shit like that my mom begin ... was International Women's Day and no one got the mimosa. Two supermarkets I have trimmed a primrose, but I was sad. They fought back and the day was fun. There was a kind of a bitch on stage - but stay at home - as if they were not fun enough to take the piss. We women, I mean. And let us feast. Let us feast, but every day. It put us on TV. Sbatteteci on the screen, but dressed in full. But do not send a prostitute, to dance on that stage. Please, not really. And to you, you women, I say, fuck it, enough. E 'mainly your fault, you never said no.
And today ... I broke his head. I have made the task of English and my feeling that went wrong. And I discussed it with mum and shouted to fellow M "kiss, kiss!" But I did not know whether they were referring to me or F. And he spoke with. I just want to be happy, pork cabbage!
And tomorrow we'll see.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Motocross Tracks In Middle Tennessee
I am a anancastico
Uno dei problemi del mio essere anancastico è che per arrivare in orario ad un qualsiasi appuntamento devo prepararmi un sacco di tempo prima. Questo perché prima di uscire devo rispettare un rigidissimo codice comportamentale che mi impone di effettuare ogni volta tutta una serie di severi controlli volti a neutralizzare, senza possibilità alcuna di equivoco, la eventuale, seppur remota, evenienza di arrecare danno all’intero cosmo a causa di non meglio precisate “leggerezze” che posso aver commesso per, diciamo, la mia inconsapevole tendenza alla sbadataggine. Per questo prima di chiudere la porta a tripla mandata ed avere ovviamente controllato per bene di averla davvero chiusa a tripla mandata – su questo apro a small engraved because I consider it appropriate to comment briefly on the personal technique I devised for this purpose, which is to a) turn the key to the point of extreme pressure, to cause a slight and really uplifting little pain at the joint of My right index finger, which in fact has, by dint of constant friction, with a special hardening of the skin, otherwise known as obsessive compulsive callus. b) make a strong pressure from the handle down with your right hand, one, two, up to three times. c) Trying to break through the door with a firm and energetic shouldered. - I checked with the insistence by some things including: 1) that the three taps del bagno (a – doccia; b – bidet; c – lavandino) siano inequivocabilmente chiusi. 2) che il pomello del gas sia ruotato correttamente nella posizione close. 3) che lo sportello del frigorifero sia chiuso. 4) che le luci, tutte le luci della casa, siano spente. 5) che il ferro da stiro – che uso circa 2 volte all’anno, e che per giunta ha un attacco a due vie, e questo significa che per utilizzarlo devo per forza applicare ad esso un adattatore a tre vie, che per altro, dato che ne posseggo uno soltanto, è quasi sempre collegato all’aspirapolvere – sia staccato dalla presa elettrica, se possibile ubicato in una posizione molto lontana da qualsiasi presa elettrica, perché non si sa mai, nella literature has not reported any cases of psychokinetic connection to appliances, it is true, but why risk it? 5a) The oven. I use this at least a dozen times a year, so I join with greater care in making sure that is turned off. 7) The computer is turned off (I think this is not necessary to specify more, since everybody know that a running computer can create massacres even remotely imaginable). 8) various seasonal (winter heating, summer windows, etc.).
When I finally finished this whole series of operations which are essential to my survival, but especially that of the whole created, and I'm finally on the stairs of the apartment building where I live, I always pray that I have not forgotten anything (wallet, cell phone, pants), because then you are inevitably forced to return home after retrieving the object, or objects, I must repeat again all of the tests already carried out earlier. Not necessarily in that order, especially with regard to the handle, as the repeating sequence of one-two-three behaviors a sum (six) indicating that the first digit of a three-digit number with the same number (six) of symbol of the Beast, probably not only completely undermine the efforts for decades to hold the delicate balance of the universe, and that is why I thought it should be classified as a 5 point list on the control of the oven, but I fear it would cause humanitarian disasters on a scale quite incalculable.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Lcd Tv Prices Dropping 2010
# 2 is said ... I'm hungry
PLA psychosis side ... sclerosis. 'It is what disgusts me; reach levels of insanity that not even a crane fakir.
... sketched a person who, a couple of years ago, if you touch the right cheek was the same with the left, if he felt itching and scratching symmetrically duplicated in every sense of his actions on both sides of his body.
Before I had a hunger that slowly corroding the stomach. This morning it was snowing, but luckily did not attack ^ ^ I did not want to jump out tomorrow. We are I, F and M around the city, perhaps transvestites, all afternoon. And there is a fair . And maybe meet again the guy that "does not smoke tobacco but dung, "or the lady that" Look at that rude! We swollen barrel.
"Just because you're paranoid does not mean that you are following" Kurt Cobain.
Well, first I wanted to write a kilometer post ... but no. Cia '.
parbleu !
PLA psychosis side ... sclerosis. 'It is what disgusts me; reach levels of insanity that not even a crane fakir.
... sketched a person who, a couple of years ago, if you touch the right cheek was the same with the left, if he felt itching and scratching symmetrically duplicated in every sense of his actions on both sides of his body.
Before I had a hunger that slowly corroding the stomach. This morning it was snowing, but luckily did not attack ^ ^ I did not want to jump out tomorrow. We are I, F and M around the city, perhaps transvestites, all afternoon. And there is a fair . And maybe meet again the guy that "does not smoke tobacco but dung, "or the lady that" Look at that rude! We swollen barrel.
"Just because you're paranoid does not mean that you are following" Kurt Cobain.
Well, first I wanted to write a kilometer post ... but no. Cia '.
parbleu !
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Using Mac To Put Cheats On Gpsphone
There's a devious little voice in my brain that does nothing but whisper: famefamefamefamefamefamefame while I try not to tear my right arm.
What a bore.
What then, in my opinion, is a real shit that love comes quando meno te l'aspetti. Uno cerca l'amore quando ne ha bisogno, poi se ne fotte se arriva quando sta in pace con se stesso. Voglio dire, chi cerca trova: più sacrosanto di così! E, per di qualcuno informazione, io sto cercando.
Electro Homeopathy Doctor
Crazy, crazy world of fashion (and working look)
And then comes this - and I stress, the same location as those above - that occurs in bursts and almost Tits in the wind above, complete with belly out, horrible hair and a pair of shoes among the ugliest ever seen (at least by me) .. but at such an event so you tanning? untrimmed so that seems to have just spent a night of revelry?
and I what I should draw inspiration from?
And then comes this, stuff that makes you think that Michael Jackson should not then be entirely dead, in fact, just for nothing! (Bravo Michael, once again we've all screwed!)
Fortunately, though there are only examples of the genre, there are also people who, in addition to being cured and elegant in appearance, are also adapted to the seasons and contexts ..
and, most importantly, offer practical suggestions and can be copied even in real life ..
The examples I posted are not so shocking, I know, since I have purposely left out of things much worse ..
I realize I have a concept of fashion may be a little old, not innovative, but I always thought that, for events such as parades, once undoubtedly even more exclusive than current, so we had to make whimsical and kept out of the ordinary, but still in an elegant and dignified as possible, without necessarily lead to the ridiculous, even grotesque in ..
And my fear is that all the girls, especially recently decided to open a fashion blog and on themselves rather than watch the shows, you lose a little outfit in the most unlikely of the industry, then quickly copied by the most successful bloggers .. so that, more often, you see repetitive outfit and, above all, a little mettibili in everyday life, the real one, in which we as young women and girls, we must find inspiration to deal with the routine daily work and we can not adopt, as a matter of decoration, accessories such as Lita Jeffrey Campbell shorts or skirts and groin ..
I see people, at least for the day or during the day, it is combined with seals that I would struggle to make the evening well, but maybe they are very young girls, fresh diploma, which have not yet entered the world labor and therefore do not need to adopt a dress code everyday ..
But beyond this, I find it less easy to find inspiration around really applicable to everyday life, even if I could afford the daily miniskirt ..
Personally, I find it increasingly difficult to find the equation for the Web = stylish and elegant and decent copyable
I fear that the parades and the glossy pages of Vogue have ruined us a little bit ..
Waiting for inspiration, I'll stay in my boring work clothes ...
(the above does not apply to you boys and girls that follow me, since you are also those s who follow me! And following you because, of course, you find useful ideas and suggestions)
some accessories for my monotonous daily life at work
wearing Loro Piana cashmere sweater, pencil skirt no brand, Hermès belt, no brand cuissardes, vintage crocodile clutch
You think, maybe because I have little time, has given no peek parades these days? Well, I gave, I gave that cerrrto ..
However, to me, as well as to comply with the proposals for the next season, like more than anything else "lurk" in the outfits of guests, journalists, buyers (and bloggers, that is) involved in parades and, promptly, do not lose the opportunity to be immortalized outside the event location di turno..
E si cominciano a vedere cose così..
However, to me, as well as to comply with the proposals for the next season, like more than anything else "lurk" in the outfits of guests, journalists, buyers (and bloggers, that is) involved in parades and, promptly, do not lose the opportunity to be immortalized outside the event location di turno..
E si cominciano a vedere cose così..
che poi questa non è nemmeno la peggiore, anche se ritengo che, specie in occasioni del genere, ci si debba presentare un minimo curate, con un capello, se non favoloso, almeno pulito e pettinato, non un insieme di cordelle del Mocio Vileda.. Ma oltrepassando il problema capelli, il mio sguardo cade sul resto: passi il cappottino un pò misero, passino i pantaloni da color block (se l'idea mi piaceva, dopo questi giorni ormai lo odio), ma le scarpe ortopediche mezze mangiate in punta? L'insieme mi suggerisce una idea di dimesso, non di curato e di tendenza
below this would not be a bad, indeed, beautiful cutting fluid pants, a cute little purse flash, pretty coat, but if it were 0 degrees, you could not put a rag of a jacket that suits the occasion? But no, go-ahead to her grandmother's hat, green scarf to health and then, in that you tick? a skimpy jacket that you're practically naked .. are clearly hibernation - you see - but you claim to feel so good (we are safe then?) and the tip of your shoes all eaten?
And then comes this - and I stress, the same location as those above - that occurs in bursts and almost Tits in the wind above, complete with belly out, horrible hair and a pair of shoes among the ugliest ever seen (at least by me) .. but at such an event so you tanning? untrimmed so that seems to have just spent a night of revelry?
and I what I should draw inspiration from?
And then comes this, stuff that makes you think that Michael Jackson should not then be entirely dead, in fact, just for nothing! (Bravo Michael, once again we've all screwed!)

Fortunately, though there are only examples of the genre, there are also people who, in addition to being cured and elegant in appearance, are also adapted to the seasons and contexts ..
and, most importantly, offer practical suggestions and can be copied even in real life ..
The examples I posted are not so shocking, I know, since I have purposely left out of things much worse ..
I realize I have a concept of fashion may be a little old, not innovative, but I always thought that, for events such as parades, once undoubtedly even more exclusive than current, so we had to make whimsical and kept out of the ordinary, but still in an elegant and dignified as possible, without necessarily lead to the ridiculous, even grotesque in ..
And my fear is that all the girls, especially recently decided to open a fashion blog and on themselves rather than watch the shows, you lose a little outfit in the most unlikely of the industry, then quickly copied by the most successful bloggers .. so that, more often, you see repetitive outfit and, above all, a little mettibili in everyday life, the real one, in which we as young women and girls, we must find inspiration to deal with the routine daily work and we can not adopt, as a matter of decoration, accessories such as Lita Jeffrey Campbell shorts or skirts and groin ..
I see people, at least for the day or during the day, it is combined with seals that I would struggle to make the evening well, but maybe they are very young girls, fresh diploma, which have not yet entered the world labor and therefore do not need to adopt a dress code everyday ..
But beyond this, I find it less easy to find inspiration around really applicable to everyday life, even if I could afford the daily miniskirt ..
Personally, I find it increasingly difficult to find the equation for the Web = stylish and elegant and decent copyable
I fear that the parades and the glossy pages of Vogue have ruined us a little bit ..
Waiting for inspiration, I'll stay in my boring work clothes ...
(the above does not apply to you boys and girls that follow me, since you are also those s who follow me! And following you because, of course, you find useful ideas and suggestions)

wearing Loro Piana cashmere sweater, pencil skirt no brand, Hermès belt, no brand cuissardes, vintage crocodile clutch
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Organic Floppy Sun Hats
The Law of Numbers
Non mi viene neanche una mezza tacca di titolo. L'ho scritto sei volte, tipo. Sarà un segno.
Ad ogni modo, ho scritto una cosa per un concorso, a proposito dell'arte, e mi sembra proprio di una pallosità estrema - mi viene l'orticaria solo a pensare che per lavorarci sopra devo rileggerla.
Eppure vorrei scrivere ancora - non dell'arte. No.
Oggi non l'ho visto quasi per niente. Anzi, mi sa che non era manco lui, anche se mi sembrava d'averlo seen streaking. Except that I do not think I would really like him. That is, yes, it's nice to be frightening - at least in my opinion - and I am a kind of syncope every time I see him even by mistake, but I do not know - and the idea scares me to know. It makes me feel strange and uncomfortable more than ever. I do not know what could happen, maybe I would not want either to happen.
Instead, if I think someone else makes me smile. It is not very nice, but it's nice and gentleman, and if I have to be honest this sort of thing makes me blush. And I know that I do not like blush, but it flatters me so much that I blush the same fucking blood.
This morning I put the earrings of all stained glass. They are great - I like big earrings, but generally my motto is "abhors anything that makes you look more feminine." I do not know why this aversion to the universe rose.
Maybe I was a child hit his head. Forte. Very strong.
But, I said, earrings. They remind me of something that said a person. I do not want any longer that that person is beside me.
I do not want a lot of vacation. Indeed, at this very moment, yes. And, anyway, I want to jump with all my strength science class on Monday. I will not panic. But I did and I have been able to answer two questions, which I think is beautiful because the patches maybe half past seven.
keep me sick.
My head is all swollen and hot and heavy, almost about to burst.
Perhaps it would be better. I wonder if the gray matter is really gray. As a child I was convinced that the brain could be transplanted. It would be cool. I want to read at least two or three books.
And then I have to buy the saga of Geralt striga. It seems strong. However (I prefer solemnly to "anyway"), hereinafter set out my Law of Numbers (after having been informed that I am trying to change my capital D italic):
1. Equal que es best odd.
2. The odd numbers are better this sub with the odd numbers first.
3. Three best es que 2.
4. Numbers ending in 5 are better than these numbers of ending in 2, 4, 6 or 8 but como que peers end up 0.
5. My favorite numbers are still 3, 6, 7, 21, 28. Six and 28 because they are "perfect" *, because the other does. *
perfect numbers: numbers in which the sum of the sub is the number itself. 6 = 1, 2, 3. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. 28 = 1, 2, 4, 7, 14. 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.
Okay, it seems normal? Because I do.
** nods convinced me **.
... seriously.
... seriously.
Ps. ... on if-** WE UNDERSTAND, SHIT !!!**
Non mi viene neanche una mezza tacca di titolo. L'ho scritto sei volte, tipo. Sarà un segno.
Ad ogni modo, ho scritto una cosa per un concorso, a proposito dell'arte, e mi sembra proprio di una pallosità estrema - mi viene l'orticaria solo a pensare che per lavorarci sopra devo rileggerla.
Eppure vorrei scrivere ancora - non dell'arte. No.
Oggi non l'ho visto quasi per niente. Anzi, mi sa che non era manco lui, anche se mi sembrava d'averlo seen streaking. Except that I do not think I would really like him. That is, yes, it's nice to be frightening - at least in my opinion - and I am a kind of syncope every time I see him even by mistake, but I do not know - and the idea scares me to know. It makes me feel strange and uncomfortable more than ever. I do not know what could happen, maybe I would not want either to happen.
Instead, if I think someone else makes me smile. It is not very nice, but it's nice and gentleman, and if I have to be honest this sort of thing makes me blush. And I know that I do not like blush, but it flatters me so much that I blush the same fucking blood.
This morning I put the earrings of all stained glass. They are great - I like big earrings, but generally my motto is "abhors anything that makes you look more feminine." I do not know why this aversion to the universe rose.
Maybe I was a child hit his head. Forte. Very strong.
But, I said, earrings. They remind me of something that said a person. I do not want any longer that that person is beside me.
I do not want a lot of vacation. Indeed, at this very moment, yes. And, anyway, I want to jump with all my strength science class on Monday. I will not panic. But I did and I have been able to answer two questions, which I think is beautiful because the patches maybe half past seven.
keep me sick.
My head is all swollen and hot and heavy, almost about to burst.
Perhaps it would be better. I wonder if the gray matter is really gray. As a child I was convinced that the brain could be transplanted. It would be cool. I want to read at least two or three books.
And then I have to buy the saga of Geralt striga. It seems strong. However (I prefer solemnly to "anyway"), hereinafter set out my Law of Numbers (after having been informed that I am trying to change my capital D italic):
1. Equal que es best odd.
2. The odd numbers are better this sub with the odd numbers first.
3. Three best es que 2.
4. Numbers ending in 5 are better than these numbers of ending in 2, 4, 6 or 8 but como que peers end up 0.
5. My favorite numbers are still 3, 6, 7, 21, 28. Six and 28 because they are "perfect" *, because the other does. *
perfect numbers: numbers in which the sum of the sub is the number itself. 6 = 1, 2, 3. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. 28 = 1, 2, 4, 7, 14. 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.
Okay, it seems normal? Because I do.
** nods convinced me **.
... seriously.
... seriously.
Ps. ... on if-** WE UNDERSTAND, SHIT !!!**
Friday, March 4, 2011
Pharmaceutical Calculations- Lippincott
Tonight on "The mouth of the lake"
I did not really want to post, but the same place because they are addicted and masochistic.
So I will be brief.
15 things you MUST know:
1. I have a lump behind his head, I've got playing the scene of a fainting
2. I did three drawings, one of a cliff, two waterfalls
3. I took nine to English and made a good impression of an alternate English
4. I've seen (and drooled more times behind) Biondo
5. It rains -.-''
6. I hope I've got a good mark in the French test. I can not stand that my average is lower
7. The science teacher gives me a panic
8. I wrote a one-shot and edited a history
9. One person asked me if it were true that I go back to another person who honestly not even a dog would wretch behind
10. I pretended that I liked someone because I did not mean a person of Biondo
11. I learned a step or waltz, but they are seriously impeded
12. I fell from sitting
13. I laughed a lot
14. Coming Blog: anecdotes school
I did not really want to post, but the same place because they are addicted and masochistic.
So I will be brief.
15 things you MUST know:
1. I have a lump behind his head, I've got playing the scene of a fainting
2. I did three drawings, one of a cliff, two waterfalls
3. I took nine to English and made a good impression of an alternate English
4. I've seen (and drooled more times behind) Biondo
5. It rains -.-''
6. I hope I've got a good mark in the French test. I can not stand that my average is lower
7. The science teacher gives me a panic
8. I wrote a one-shot and edited a history
9. One person asked me if it were true that I go back to another person who honestly not even a dog would wretch behind
10. I pretended that I liked someone because I did not mean a person of Biondo
11. I learned a step or waltz, but they are seriously impeded
12. I fell from sitting
13. I laughed a lot
14. Coming Blog: anecdotes school
I attended the scene of a poor girl to enter the bus driven by a goat sacrifice and decided to dive down to the ankles and beyond.
He looked at me with a face like "Look I have to do. "
And all this because no one wanted to move. ...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Discover Scholars Scholarship
(Recitando. In the scene, I fainted, and other girls torment me to wake up)
M: Seat of gang rape !
Me: You said rape.
M: But you were not unconscious, you?!?
(Distribution tires. Lend a Hand. Then a bit hard to 'eat it without the rubber)
F: Ale? What What?
Me: Nothing, I just do not eat tires.
M: If green = boccasana Tantum, Tantum pink thing?
Me: I know everything.
M: So what happened April 2 1995? (fake date)
Me: You were born.
M: And who told you?!?
I: Tu.
Newscast: crime, rapes, war, racism, crashes, death. Have a good day. Perfectly
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Games U Can Play At School
lol Have you ever felt like ice melting?
I know That I do not even know you, my love That isn't Neither logic and built on solid bases. That I just can not explain to my heart.
Every time I see you I feel like melting ice. And it's not fair, Because You Do not Feel The Same and I feel like I am violating you with my love, just as in a strange way I am using you Against your Desires for my own dreams ...
All right, 'is precisely what is not normal for a cock. Enough is enough.
I feel like I'm writing a post useless (errr. .. 'm writing a post is useless! It 's a sign of destiny. Okay, I'm going to read. Bye).
Bye. _____________________________________________________
1. The old watches. Type this or that other . With those hands tight and elegant, the Roman numerals a little 'smeared, yellowish paper. The frame of heavy metal that has become discolored upon you.
2. When things are old sepia. Or pale yellow. As the pages of books, thin pastry.
3. The funds. Or coffee. I find them romantic.
4. The strawberries and cherries. Why are so red and delicious.
5. The chocolate because yes.
6. The people. They are so beautiful. But there is nearly enough. To think that there are so many lives that must necessarily meet somehow.
7. The surprises. But only the beautiful ones, of course. I'm not stupid.
8. The emotions.
9. The red edges, the bright green, the yellow sun, blue sky / night / water. Living things, in fact. But sometimes even the pastels. And watercolors. The colors and all.
10. The dusty pianos, fretted cuttlefish (Sepia and is co Daje), who categorically refuse to play musical type of rape My Heart Will Go On.
I know That I do not even know you, my love That isn't Neither logic and built on solid bases. That I just can not explain to my heart.
Every time I see you I feel like melting ice. And it's not fair, Because You Do not Feel The Same and I feel like I am violating you with my love, just as in a strange way I am using you Against your Desires for my own dreams ...
All right, 'is precisely what is not normal for a cock. Enough is enough.
I feel like I'm writing a post useless (errr. .. 'm writing a post is useless! It 's a sign of destiny. Okay, I'm going to read. Bye).
Bye. _____________________________________________________
1. The old watches. Type this or that other . With those hands tight and elegant, the Roman numerals a little 'smeared, yellowish paper. The frame of heavy metal that has become discolored upon you.
2. When things are old sepia. Or pale yellow. As the pages of books, thin pastry.
3. The funds. Or coffee. I find them romantic.
4. The strawberries and cherries. Why are so red and delicious.
5. The chocolate because yes.
6. The people. They are so beautiful. But there is nearly enough. To think that there are so many lives that must necessarily meet somehow.
7. The surprises. But only the beautiful ones, of course. I'm not stupid.
8. The emotions.
9. The red edges, the bright green, the yellow sun, blue sky / night / water. Living things, in fact. But sometimes even the pastels. And watercolors. The colors and all.
10. The dusty pianos, fretted cuttlefish (Sepia and is co Daje), who categorically refuse to play musical type of rape My Heart Will Go On.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Is Quorn Sausage Halal
For someone's sake!
Oh, what a beautiful word, hello. It 's a really nice word. No, really is a normal word and by the way it sounds even worse than, say, mulberry. The fact is that they are definitely acting nasty because I could not write on the blog for quite some time. And so, rightly, I'm here to speak of bullshit, which, however, why it would be traumatic to write everything at once, eh! UU
There was snow on Saturday, but I'm stubborn, so much so that I went down to the bus stop down to the village by car, the bus had not passed. There were barely four mangy cats and I arrived late for a ride absolutely assurderrimo.
In class, when I came, there were eight people, then another one came and he's gone.
We have done nothing but - rightly - French questioned me and put me 8. What makes me absolutely sick, indeed, I have me I suck. They are disgusting, really. And yesterday I also socket 7 and 1 / 2 in science, because I suck . Rightly so.
But I do not deserve it nine in these two subjects. But for anything.
Saturday night I went to eat pizza with some of my comrades in the eighth grade. F was disappointed because I have not greeted with kisses. But do not do it with anyone - it's something I own is a pain, but anyway. I have not done for 14 years and if someone has the unfortunate idea to try to find me like a statue, or, at worst, I do not find anything for me because avoidance ** cough, cough, sociopathic, cough **.
And sorry, what the hell do you want? It's not the only one with whom they exchange effusions, eh. When I would be willing to do that ...
There were also others in the place where we went. There was a guy who I had noticed on a bus on Thursday afternoon. I found that it is a relative of a dear friend. It 's a great beefy.
Then we ate late and went off first. This morning it was raining
plus had not renewed my subscription so I got down the bus and I had to wait for my aunt and I arrived late the only day that was sitting next to F and all have seen more di quanto abbia fatto io.
Un odio orrendo, e avrei voluto strillare.
Poi ieri ho fatto la relazione che ho esposto oggi, ma mentre la facevo mi si è cancellata, così l'ho rifatta, e poi ho scoperto che mi si era salvata.
Non sono andata in biblioteca.
Ho fatto due ore di corso di PET. Prima, mi hanno fatto un sacco di domande.
A(io): Cavolo, andrei all'interrogazione sabato, ma non credo che la prof mi faccia recuperare il 7 e mezzo.
G1: Il sette e mezzo? Che ti recuperi il sette e mezzo?
A: (ignorando G) ...e pure l'8 di francese!!!
G1: Oh, ma io a scienze ho 4, di che ti lamenti???
A: Ma in queste due materie ho la media del nove! Non posso prendere 7 e mezzo né 8, porca merda!
G2: Ma scusa, non avevi studiato?
A: No, ma non studio mai, non è per quello!
G2: Come non studi mai? Poi hai nove!...
A: Be', ricordo bene le spiegazioni. Poi al massimo leggo...
G1: Ma almeno educazione fisica l'hai studiata.
A: Sì... no... più o meno... letta, insomma.
G2: Ma scusa, che fai il pomeriggio se non studi?
A: Diciamo, un'oretta e mezza o due di compiti, poi leggo, scrivo, sto su internet... non esco mai, ma non mi annoio.
G1: Non esci mai?
A: No.
G2: E non ti annoi?
A: No, because I have friends but not close to home and I'm an hour from the city, so I should not even ... and then they are always tired, I have two returns and I do my homework. Monday for Tuesday and Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday and Friday.
G2: And it strikes you that ... say, does not have much social life?
A: No, I know it's strange, but they are so. I do not mind, indeed, I do not feel the need, really. I'm so: it is not that fun to me to be antisocial, but the loneliness I do not mind at all.
G1: OO But whatever you write?
A: Yes, I write stories.
G1: What? A
: Fantasy, mainly because I do not compare well with the real events - in fact they are clumsy. (I always have this sense of inadequacy, wherever I am and whatever I do ndMe) But the romantic element is not lacking almost never in my stories. However I could keep the rallies, I do a lot of questions.
G2: Yes, it is true, only that I never knew a guy like you. At least you distinguish (statements that make proud, ndMe) .
A: Thank you, I'm glad.
G1: So, in summary ... do not study, you do not like studying, but you know things, even if you are not interested.
G2: So you're one who knows what.
A: Yes.
meeting renewed their subscription Age was a kid who (read = elementary).
and I broke to sharpen sentences make sense then tie, I'm beccatevi post. I do not know if I'm hungry or not, should I practice my jump, my back hurts, I have not read, it was raining and I hate the rain ...
Never mind. Three days of fire. That's crap.
Oh, Caron, do not fret; so willed there where you can do what you want, and ask no more.
Always yours, but also no, go find RedCherry, which is a BIG .
Since I had forgotten in the comments. However, click on "Insert Link", Then paste the URL into the bar below and above the gates and write what you want.
I said, always yours but no,
PS.: Blogghino, I missed you. But they are psychotic.
Oh, what a beautiful word, hello. It 's a really nice word. No, really is a normal word and by the way it sounds even worse than, say, mulberry. The fact is that they are definitely acting nasty because I could not write on the blog for quite some time. And so, rightly, I'm here to speak of bullshit, which, however, why it would be traumatic to write everything at once, eh! UU
There was snow on Saturday, but I'm stubborn, so much so that I went down to the bus stop down to the village by car, the bus had not passed. There were barely four mangy cats and I arrived late for a ride absolutely assurderrimo.
In class, when I came, there were eight people, then another one came and he's gone.
We have done nothing but - rightly - French questioned me and put me 8. What makes me absolutely sick, indeed, I have me I suck. They are disgusting, really. And yesterday I also socket 7 and 1 / 2 in science, because I suck . Rightly so.
But I do not deserve it nine in these two subjects. But for anything.
Saturday night I went to eat pizza with some of my comrades in the eighth grade. F was disappointed because I have not greeted with kisses. But do not do it with anyone - it's something I own is a pain, but anyway. I have not done for 14 years and if someone has the unfortunate idea to try to find me like a statue, or, at worst, I do not find anything for me because avoidance ** cough, cough, sociopathic, cough **.
And sorry, what the hell do you want? It's not the only one with whom they exchange effusions, eh. When I would be willing to do that ...
There were also others in the place where we went. There was a guy who I had noticed on a bus on Thursday afternoon. I found that it is a relative of a dear friend. It 's a great beefy.
Then we ate late and went off first. This morning it was raining
plus had not renewed my subscription so I got down the bus and I had to wait for my aunt and I arrived late the only day that was sitting next to F and all have seen more di quanto abbia fatto io.
Un odio orrendo, e avrei voluto strillare.
Poi ieri ho fatto la relazione che ho esposto oggi, ma mentre la facevo mi si è cancellata, così l'ho rifatta, e poi ho scoperto che mi si era salvata.
Non sono andata in biblioteca.
Ho fatto due ore di corso di PET. Prima, mi hanno fatto un sacco di domande.
A(io): Cavolo, andrei all'interrogazione sabato, ma non credo che la prof mi faccia recuperare il 7 e mezzo.
G1: Il sette e mezzo? Che ti recuperi il sette e mezzo?
A: (ignorando G) ...e pure l'8 di francese!!!
G1: Oh, ma io a scienze ho 4, di che ti lamenti???
A: Ma in queste due materie ho la media del nove! Non posso prendere 7 e mezzo né 8, porca merda!
G2: Ma scusa, non avevi studiato?
A: No, ma non studio mai, non è per quello!
G2: Come non studi mai? Poi hai nove!...
A: Be', ricordo bene le spiegazioni. Poi al massimo leggo...
G1: Ma almeno educazione fisica l'hai studiata.
A: Sì... no... più o meno... letta, insomma.
G2: Ma scusa, che fai il pomeriggio se non studi?
A: Diciamo, un'oretta e mezza o due di compiti, poi leggo, scrivo, sto su internet... non esco mai, ma non mi annoio.
G1: Non esci mai?
A: No.
G2: E non ti annoi?
A: No, because I have friends but not close to home and I'm an hour from the city, so I should not even ... and then they are always tired, I have two returns and I do my homework. Monday for Tuesday and Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday and Friday.
G2: And it strikes you that ... say, does not have much social life?
A: No, I know it's strange, but they are so. I do not mind, indeed, I do not feel the need, really. I'm so: it is not that fun to me to be antisocial, but the loneliness I do not mind at all.
G1: OO But whatever you write?
A: Yes, I write stories.
G1: What? A
: Fantasy, mainly because I do not compare well with the real events - in fact they are clumsy. (I always have this sense of inadequacy, wherever I am and whatever I do ndMe) But the romantic element is not lacking almost never in my stories. However I could keep the rallies, I do a lot of questions.
G2: Yes, it is true, only that I never knew a guy like you. At least you distinguish (statements that make proud, ndMe) .
A: Thank you, I'm glad.
G1: So, in summary ... do not study, you do not like studying, but you know things, even if you are not interested.
G2: So you're one who knows what.
A: Yes.
meeting renewed their subscription Age was a kid who (read = elementary).
and I broke to sharpen sentences make sense then tie, I'm beccatevi post. I do not know if I'm hungry or not, should I practice my jump, my back hurts, I have not read, it was raining and I hate the rain ...
Never mind. Three days of fire. That's crap.
Oh, Caron, do not fret; so willed there where you can do what you want, and ask no more.
Always yours, but also no, go find RedCherry, which is a BIG .
Since I had forgotten in the comments. However, click on "Insert Link", Then paste the URL into the bar below and above the gates and write what you want.
I said, always yours but no,
PS.: Blogghino, I missed you. But they are psychotic.
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