Looking out Across the nightime
That way….
Why …..that way…. Why…..
Looking out
If they say
... You'll be a legend forever !!!!!!
Not bad eh?? It 'simply wonderful! For me it was an incredibly satisfying feeling ... Not to mention that the little packet I received on Monday ... And start the week so it's always nice! (Of course, a lifetime ago Monday -____-"") Among other things, expires at midnight tonight second challenge and I still have not prepared my LO ... I wonder if when I get home I can do something (yeah, because now I'm at work and I strongly clipped an hour to update, since otherwise there is no way!! And because the company is mine and nothing happens if I take advantage of a moment! > _ <).....Mi dispiacerebbe non partecipare, visto che ormai....come dire.... ci ho preso gusto!!!!! ;-) ..Staremo a vedere...ancora mancano diverse ore...... ;-) ihihihi
change the subject ... Saturday afternoon we were married two dear friends, Matthew and Mirka ^ __ ^ and this is a card I made for them ^___^ For newlyweds liked it .. I hope you too :-)
What do you think?? It 's the first I do ... and frankly I do not mind .... strange ...
.... Another nice thing I did during this 'small' absence and was, having to go to IKEA just opened in Rimini ^_^.... What bliss .... get one close to home! =) This per anticiparvi che ho "ristrutturato" e sistemato la mia scrap-room ehehehe!!!! E spero di postare PRESTO le foto....
Beh! Per ora tutto qui... Pensandoci bene, tutto sommato qualcosa di bello l'ho combinata in questo periodo ^__^ no?????
Ci sentiamo presto! Spero!
Un abbraccio a tutti!!!!!